Welcome to the World

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Half an hour later Nikki and Jack are now sat together in a delivery room, the midwife is stood at the bottom of the bed in which Nikki is sat on with her leggings and underwear with a blanket draped over her legs. The midwife takes some notes from Nikki and keeps an eye on the heart rate monitor which is monitoring the baby. 

"How are you feeling now?" Amy the midwife asks as she walks over to Nikki and places the lid back on her cannula as it's popped off. 
"Mmm, okay, I think it's working" Nikki speaks as she shifts a little. 

Jack is sat on the chair beside her trying to keep his eyes open as he is really tired, he rests his chin on the railing of the bed and holds her hand and strokes it. 
Amy begins to check Nikki again and makes her open her legs and bring them up so she can examine them. She sits on the bed and gently checks Nikki's dilation, although Nikki winces at the sensation and finds herself holding Jack's hand. "Good girl" Jack smiles as he kisses her hand. 

"Okay, so you are now five centimeters dilated," Amy speaks as she moves away from Nikki and places the blanket back over her knees. Amy removes her gloves and places them in the bin before using hand sanitizer and writing in Nikki's notes. 

Jack smiles at Nikki and passes her a bottle of water as he sits patiently hoping not to annoy her in any way. "Thanks" Nikki smiles quietly as she sips the water and passes the bottle back to Jack before Nikki notices someone that has slipped into the room. "Matt..." She speaks. 

Jack turns around and looks at Matt in shock, "Oh hi..." Jack speaks a little annoyed by him arriving. 
Matt walks over to Nikki's side and looks at Jack, "You can leave now, I will take it from here" Matt replies noticing Jack holding Nikki's hand which makes his blood boil. 

Jack lets go of Nikki's hand but she holds it tightly, "Please don't go" She begs as a contraction comes thick as fast and takes over her body causing her to cry out, she grabs hold on his arm as he is now standing, she hides her face into his arm. "Jack!" She cries.

Matt looks at Jack in shock that she didn't take hold of his own hand instead of Jack's. "I'm going to get a drink, something to wake me up, I will be outside... I promise" Jack smiles as he manages to get his arm back from Nikki. 

Once Jack has left the room Nikki sits on the bed holding her bump not saying anything to Matt, Matt gently places his hand on her shoulder but Nikki moves it, "Don't touch me!" She snaps. 
"Nikki, what is wrong?" Matt speaks.

Meanwhile, Jack is sat down the corridor with a cup of coffee in his hand, he stares down at it and sighs, he feels heartbroken that he won't get to see his own child being born due to Matt being in the room with Nikki. 

An hour later Jack is sat dozing in the corridor waiting for Matt or someone to tell him that the baby had arrived. Suddenly he feels someone touch his shoulder and shake it slightly, He opens his eyes and looks up at the midwife, "Excuse me Sir," She starts. 
"Sorry, I was just resting my eyes" He explains. 
"It's okay, so Nikki is asking for you. She seems rather distressed and is only asking for you, would you be able to accompany me to the delivery room.  

Jack yawns and stretches before standing up and following the midwife into the room, "Jack!" Nikki breathes, he looks over at her and notices what a state she is in. 
"How is she holding up?" Jack asks Amy as he walks over to Nikki's side and smiles slightly at Matt who is still sat in the room. 
"She is currently in the second stages, the head is now showing although she is tiring herself out too quickly" Amy replies and Jack looks down at Nikki who is mid contraction and pushing again. 

"Nikki, are you sure you want Jack here?" Matt speaks up. 
"Fuck off!" Nikki screams as she almost punches Matt in the face. 
"Nikki come on, what has gotten into you!" Matt speaks. 
"Get lost! Get out!" Nikki shouts back at him

Jack shoots Matt a look and then focuses back in on Nikki and holds her hand, Nikki squeezes Jack's hand hard as he glances down at Amy who is sat on the bed watching. "That's it Nikki, now between contractions you need to rest, take deep breaths and focus" Amy explains to Nikki. 

He strokes her arm and smiles at Nikki as she closes her eyes and tries to focus and rest, "contraction?" Amy asks and Nikki nods as she buries her chin into her chest, "When you're ready Nikki, big push" She smiles and Nikki does exactly as she says. 

Jack glances down between her legs and his eyes widen as he witnesses the delivery of the head, Matt looks at the pair as he has now stepped back realizing what is actually happening and that the baby she is delivering may no actually be his but in fact Jack's. 

"Oh my god Nikki, he's got so much hair!" Jack beams as he looks back up at Nikki and kisses her head. 
That was it, that was all Matt needed to confirm his suspicions, his wife had in fact been carrying Jack's baby. 

Nikki cries out in pain and she gives it her all and pushes with every last ounce of energy, in seconds she pushes with all she's got for the last time. Nikki opens her eyes and looks down at a tiny baby is passed up onto her chest, crying loudly and shaking. "Hello, little one" Nikki smiles as a wave of new love and emotion is brought over her. 

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