Strange Behaviour

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Later that day, the team have met up at the pub just down the road from the Lyell to celebrate Nikki's news on her baby. They all sit around a round table in the corner of the pub chatting, Thomas and Jack are drinking beer, Clarissa in on the wine and Nikki is sat with an orange juice as the conversation continues to flow.
"...So what are the plans for baby Garcia?" Thomas asks as he takes a sip from his pint.
Both Nikki and Jack cringe slightly, although Nikki is already considering giving the baby the surname 'Alexander' rather than 'Garcia'. "I haven't got that far yet, I'm still trying to get my head around it" Nikki smiles.

"How long have you known?" Clarissa chips in as she leans forward.
"Erm... Since I was around eight weeks" Nikki admits with a smile.

Nikki smiles as the three looks at her in shock that she has managed to keep it a secret for so long. "What would you like it to be?" Jack asks with a smirk knowing this is the only way he would find out information like this.

"Erm... Either would be nice. Don't really have a preference as long as he or she is happy and healthy" She explains, Jack smiles as he picks up his pint and drinks almost half a pint in the one sip.

Clarissa watches the pair who share a glance at each other, she knows full well they haven't stopped seeing each other despite her warning Jack it's dangerous territory to be in, especially as he got her pregnant too.

Soon Jack is back up the bar and gets himself another drink as well as getting Clarissa a soft drink and Nikki another glass of orange juice. "I think a toast is in order... to Nikki and Matt on their exciting new adventure!" Thomas speaks as he raises his glass and everyone else does too, although Nikki doesn't say anything in the toast and Jack repeats Thomas's words with jealousy in his eyes.

An hour later and Jack has already had too much to drink and is starting to blow his cover about the baby being his and not Matt's. He sits beside Nikki and puts his hand on her bump and instantly Nikki bats his hand away in complete shock. "Jack... you've had way too much to drink" Nikki speaks softly as she looks at him.

Jack looks at her and grins, "No I haven't... just wetting the baby's head" He smirks attempting to touch her stomach once again.
"Isn't that something you should do once the baby is born?" Thomas asks.
"Yes, Thomas is right... Jack, you've had way too much, and you're working tomorrow" Clarissa speaks up worried about what he may say or do.

Nikki moves his hand away again and strokes her bump lovingly as she sips some more orange juice. Jack slips his hand to her stomach and smiles at Nikki again, "Woah, steady on there Jack, anyone would think the baby is yours and not Matt's" Thomas jokes.

Nikki and Clarissa share a look and Jack chuckles to himself, "Funny story actually..." He begins.
"Oh is that the time... taxi for Jack" Clarissa speaks up as Nikki sits up and looks at Jack concerned about what he's about to say.

"Come on Jack you've had way too much to drink, I will drop you home," Nikki smiles as she grabs her handbag from around her feet and goes to slip on her jacket.

Thomas looks between his three colleagues unsure of what to believe by their strange behaviour, "What the hell have I missed?" Thomas questions.

Nikki laughs and shakes her head, "Seriously it's nothing. Jack can't hold his drink."
"And you can't keep your legs closed" Jack slurs as he points at Nikki, he then stands up causing Nikki to stamp on his foot to shut him up, "Hey!" He says and almost falls back into his chair.

"Come on Jack, let's go now..." Nikki speaks getting slightly distressed.
"Hey, Thomas did you know that she's carrying my baby! yes, mine not Matt's!" Jack slurs placing his hand on Nikki's bump.

Nikki looks at Jack in shock she couldn't believe he had just told Thomas the secret, She grabs his arm and looks at him dead in the eyes, "Enough Jack, home!" She says and frogmarches Jack out of the pub and to her car which is parked in the car park.

Back in the pub, Thomas looks at Clarissa in shock, "Okay... what did I miss... and is that true what Jack just said?" He asks a little unsure due to Jack being very drunk.

Clarissa just nods slowly, "Look it's true, Nikki told me the other day. Unfortunately, it's very complicated... Matt thinks the baby is his... he believes she's thirteen weeks pregnant and not fifteen. Don't say anything and you didn't hear this from me!" Clarissa informs and Thomas just nods and understands what his colleague as wished of him.

Back in Nikki's car, she has begun driving to his house, completely annoyed by Jack's actions so much so that she is ignoring him and won't even talk to him. Within ten minutes she arrives at Jack's flat and watches as he clumsily clambers out the car and towards his flat where he messes around for ages with the keys, so much so Nikki decides to pull up in a visitor space and gets out the car and locks it before helping Jack into his flat.

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