Night in

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Later that day Nikki has finished later than usual after having to cover a post-mortem for Thomas. She changes back into her work clothes and gathers her stuff from the office and sees a note on her desk from Jack, 'I gone home, you're more than welcome to stay the night of you want too, spare room is free. Going to buy us something non-alcoholic, see you & bump later, x'

Nikki smiles happily to herself and leaves the Lyell and out to her car. She gets into her car and sits there for a while and thinks to herself and wonders if stopping at Jack's the night would be okay, she instantly remembers Matt is back in Washington so sees no harm in it and heads home to pack an overnight bag and have a shower.

Nikki soon gets home and heads in and packs an overnight bag for Jack's and then takes a shower and washes her hair before getting out, drying her hair. Nikki dresses into something comfortable and ties her hair back into a pony tail.

She grabs her phone charger and a few other things before picking up her overnight bag and heading out the house. She locks the front door and then gets in the car and makes her way to Jack's.

Fifteen minutes later she pulls up outside Jack's flat and leaves her overnight bag in the car. She walks to the flat and knocks on his door before he opens it with a smile. "Hey, glad you could make it" he smiles looking her up and down slightly.

Nikki smiles and steps into his flat, he closes the door and then walks off into the lounge leaving Nikki to remove her shoes. She soon comes through to the lounge with one hand gently rubbing her bump, "so are you hungry now? Or do you want to wait until later?" Jack smiles as he looks up from the sofa.

She thinks to herself for a moment as she sits down and smiles, "I'm hungry now, but I can't wait if you're not hungry yet" She smiles happily.

"Let's get good, never say no to food" Jack smirks and Nikki laughs at him.
Nikki gets up off the arm chair and walks to the sofa and sits down beside him as he gets his iPad out so they can order food. "What do you want to eat then?" Jack asks as he clicks on the takeaway app.

"Baby wants Chinese" she smiles as she places her hand on her bump.
"Well if baby wants Chinese we shall have that, anything in particular?" He smiles as he feels Nikki snuggle into his side and wrap her arm around his one muscular arm.

"Chicken Chow Mein and egg fried rice" she smiles happily.
"Sounds nice, have some pork ball and sauce too" he adds and Nikki giggles with a nod.

Jack ordered their food along with a little extras, Jack places his iPad down once the food is ordered and place his arm around her. Nikki pulls her knees up onto the sofa and moves so her head is resting on his chest. "Have you told Matt yet?" Jack asks curiously as he strokes her hair out the way of her neck as he leans forwards slightly.

"I can't bring myself to do it, now less about him, can we pretend he's non-existent tonight. I just want it to be you and me" she smiles.

"Don't forget this little one" he smiles as he places his hand on her small bump. Nikki smiles and sighs comfortably as she rests her hand on top of his. "Can I kiss you?" Jack asks awkwardly like a love sick teenager.

Nikki laughs and sits up to look at him, "why are you asking permission, you don't need to!" She giggles.
"You're married that's why" he speaks as he moves away from her slightly.
"Married for now... It's partially over between us, as soon as the baby is born I'm asking him for a divorce" she speaks.

Jack looks at her in shock, "you can't do that... just because I accidentally got you pregnant" he speaks awkwardly.
"Best accident to happen Jack, I want to be with you, and only you, this baby will be ours..." Nikki smiles as she feels the urge to kiss him but fights it and moves away slightly.

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