Fairytales do Exist

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The following day Nikki and Ivon have been given the all-clear to go home although they were just awaiting the midwife to give them discharge forms. Nikki is all dressed to go home and is stood, looking at Ivon who is now in the car seat with a snowsuit on and a blanket over his legs, she adjusts the blanket slightly before making sure the straps are secure enough. Jack comes back onto the ward after taking her delivery bag out to the car before coming to wait with Nikki for the midwives to send her home. 
He walks over to Nikki and chuckles to himself as he looks down at Ivon, "You know it's spring not the middle of a harsh winter, he will sweat" He chuckles. 

Nikki turns to look at Jack, by the look on her face she is serious about, "What is wrong with him wearing the snowsuit?" Nikki asks as she watches Jack rest his hand on the handle of the car seat and gaze down at Ivon. 
"Nothing, it's eleven degrees outside Nik," Jack speaks. 
"I know," She smiles as she takes a seat in the armchair. She rests her hands on her now sunken bump, it made her sad that he was no longer in there but her heart fluttered every time she thought of him growing up with herself and Jack as his parents. 

She looks up from her sunken bump and smiles at Jack who is gently stroking Ivon's cheek as he sleeps, "He sleeps just like you" Nikki smirks hoping to get a reaction from Jack who is in his own world. 
"How?" He mumbles not taking his eyes off his son. 
"His mouth open slightly open and he's snore is so nasally," Nikki chuckles happily. 

Jack shakes his head in disbelief and then walks over to her and kisses Nikki's head, "You look tired" He mumbles. 
"Thanks, Jack, just what I wanted to hear" She smiles. 
"No seriously, when I get you two home, you can go for a bath and then get some sleep, I shall keep an eye on him" Jack smiles. 

Nikki messes with the tie on her jogger's bottoms before speaking up, "Are you going to stay the night?" She questions. 

He smiles with a nod, "Not getting rid of me that easily" He speaks as he sits on the bed beside the car seat. 
"You know when this... divorce goes through?..." She speaks shakily. 

Jack looks up at Nikki his heart beating so fast he can barely control his breathing before she can speak more he jumps in, "Give us a go?"
She looks up at him and bites her lip, "I would like that if you will put up with me?" She responds. 
"How about it then?" He asks as he gets off the bed and crouches in front of her, "If we're capable of making a baby together and working together for eight and a half years I see no issue in giving us ago, how about it then?" He smiles as he takes hold of her hand. 
"I would love it" She smiles happily as a few tears for in her eyes. 

Soon the midwife comes round to them and allows Nikki and Ivon to go home, she walks with the three of them out to the car, Jack carries Ivon in his car seat and in his other hand he holds Nikki's hand. 

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