Meal for Two

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An hour later Nikki and Jack are sat down on the floor with their Chinese. Jack has just come back from the kitchen with a bottle of Pepsi for them both and two glasses. "This is amazing" Nikki smiles as she tucks into her food.

"Isn't it just" he smiles as he sits back on the floor and pours them both a glass of Pepsi each.

He eats a bit more food and watches Nikki who continues to eat her food with her one hand on her stomach. "Baby enjoy that?" Jack chuckles.
"I've got butterflies, I think someone is enjoying the food" she smiles as she rubs her hand in circles.

Jack smiles and sighs slightly, "The other day you said you had booked a scan for your 20 weeks check up" he speaks as he puts his food down and looks at her.

"Yeah... do you want to come? I want to find out what I'm having but Matt doesn't..." she speaks.

"Of course I would love too!" He beams happily.
Nikki smiles and puts her food down, "I'm going to have another scan with Matt but I'll do it over FaceTime and mute it when she says how far along I am," she explains.

He raises an eyebrow at her "you have this all planned out to the finest detail don't you!" Jack speaks as he takes his food again and starts to eat more.

Soon they're both full and get up off the floor and put the left over food in the refrigerator and discard of anything else.

Soon Nikki sits down on the sofa and Jack flicks through Netflix until they find a film they can both settle on. Nikki curls herself up comfortably at one end of the sofa and Jack sits at the other as they begin to watch the film.

Half way through the film Nikki gets up to go to the toilet and once she returns she comes and sits beside Jack and cuddles up to him. "Hey you" he smiles as he kisses her head and allows Nikki to get close to him.

He wraps his arm around her and places his hand protectively on her bump. "I hope we have a son" he speaks as he moves her hair with his other hand from around her neck so he can clearly see her neck.

Jack leans forwards and inhales her sweet perfume before he places a gentle kiss on her neck, he moves further up her neck and then kisses her again. "Mmm Jack," she mumbles tiredly as she can barely keep her eyes open.

"Don't get falling asleep" he mumbles against her neck and he instantly notices that she has goosebumps from his talking against her neck.

"I won't, I promise" she murmurs.
Nikki shifts slightly and continues to rest against Jack in a loving embrace.

Towards the end of the film Jack feels Nikki's head get heavier on him and then looks down to see her sleeping against him. "Oh Nik" he smiles as he moves her gently so he can stand up.

Once stood up he scoops Nikki up off the sofa and carries her through to the spare room where he lies her down on the bed and gently tucks her in. Nikki stirs slightly and mumbles something before getting comfortable, Jack smiles happily and kisses her forehead as he leaves her be.

He sighs contently as he walks to the door and stops to look at Nikki, he wished that he could have Nikki live with him all the time but the only thing stopping them being together with their child is Matt.

He gently shuts the door too and smiles happily as he heads back to the lounge to sort out things and tidy up a little.

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