Have a little Faith

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Five minutes later Nikki has finally managed to bring herself to do a test. She walks out the toilet cubicle and places the test down on the side while she washes her hands.
She stands and looks at her test for a moment before getting her phone out her back pocket to see a text from Matt saying that he's managed to get leave early and will be coming over early tomorrow morning. She sighs with a smile and texts him back.

Nikki waits a few more minutes before looking down at the pregnancy test to see what her fate is. Her heart skips as she looks at the result. "Oh fuck" she mumbles noticing a very notable positive sign.

She shoves the test into her pocket and walks through to the offices and quickly places the positive test in her handbag. The test was telling her that it's early days and only between 8-9 weeks pregnant.

"So how did it go?" Clarissa smiles as she noticed the female pathologist at her desk once again.

Nikki thinks to herself for a moment, she knew that the likelihood of the baby being Jacks was higher thanks to the estimated weeks and Clarissa being the investigator she is would know this instantly. "Oh... yeah, negative" Nikki lies as she doesn't want to keep anyone's hopes up with how early it is.

"I'm sorry Nikki, I didn't mean to get your hopes up" Clarissa sighs.

Nikki just smiles and continues with her work. Thomas walks into the office and glanced at Nikki. "A word in my office, Nikki" he speaks.

Nikki gets herself up and walks into Thomas's office. Thomas gestures for her to sit down, Nikki takes a seat and looks at Thomas as he sits down. "What happened in there Nikki? You were fine and then you left abruptly" Thomas speaks.

"I haven't been well. I've had a stomach bug" Nikki replies.
"Why did you come in? You know the rule with stomach bugs, you must got 24 hours without vomiting!" He replies and Nikki nods in defeat.

"I'm fine now" she speaks.
"No! You're going home, you were sick earlier in the corridor. No excuses go home Nikki, we can cope" Thomas explains.

Nikki nods and stands before heading to the door and leaving the office. She grabs her stuff and says goodbye to Clarissa before heading out of the Lyell and bumping into Jack on the way.

Jack grabs her and pulls her into the lift, "hey" he smiles as he leans forwards to kiss her.

Nikki kisses him but seems slightly preoccupied and not as willing to be kissed. "What's wrong Nikki?" Jack asks.

"Nothing... the test was negative by the way" she smiles as she pulls away from jack who seems slightly disheartened by the news.

"Oh, I'm sorry" he speaks not show how to react.
"It's okay, I'm going home now, Matt is coming early tomorrow morning" she informs him to save any awkward situations if Jack turns up at Nikki's.

Jack places his hands on her hips and smiles, "I love you" he mumbles against her forehead placing a delicate kiss there.

Nikki smiles again, "I love you too but as a friend, I'm married" she replies almost knocking Jack backwards with her words.

Jack steps away and looks at her completely heartbroken by the response. "Okay" he speaks awkwardly and steps away from her. The lift doors open and Nikki steps out leaving Jack in the lift.

Nikki heads out to her car and sits in it for a while. She starts to think about being pregnant and how she would tell Matt that she's possibly not carrying his baby and that she's been unfaithful to him. She tries not to think too much but drops Jack a text to tell him that she's sorry about how she spoke to him before starting the engine and heading off home to prepare for her husbands arrival.

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