Phone call

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A couple of hours later Nikki decides to ring Matt up to tell him she's had a scan, she is currently sat at her desk on her tea break listening to the phone dialing out."Nikki?" Matt speaks."Hey, I thought I'd call you..." she replies.
"Nikki I'm at work, you know I'll call you after I've finished" he answers back.
Nikki sighs and looks down at her desk to where her scan is sat in front of her, "Matt, I had an early scan" she says quickly as she glances around the empty room.
"Why? You're only Seventeen weeks" Matt replies."You see... the thing is... I-" she begins."You what? What do you want to tell me," Matt replies.
"I bled" Nikki replies almost too quickly that she convinces herself it's a good decoy.

There is a pause between the pair on the phone and Nikki picks up her pen and bites in nervously. "Matt?" Nikki questions.
"Is the baby okay?" Matt questions.
"Yeah... all is good, I've been sent for more tests" she replies.
"Why didn't you ring me... that's it I'm coming over" he speaks.
"No matt honestly, I'm fine. You don't need to come over!" Nikki replies.

Nikki panics and looks down at her scan again, "no Nikki, I'm coming over as soon as I've finished up with the president!" Matt answers and then put the phone down.
Nikki takes a breath before placing her phone down. "Shit!" Nikki speaks as she rests her head in her arms.

"What's wrong?" A voice comes from behind Nikki. She sits up and turns to see Thomas.
"Is everything okay?" He questions noticing Nikki seems distressed.

"Honestly I'm fine, Matt and I are having a rough patch..." she lies.
"Oh really?" Thomas asks and she nods in reply, "hopefully it'll blow over, what was said?" Thomas asks curiously trying to help his pregnant colleague.

She sighs and sits back in her chair, "he wants me to go live in America when the baby is born, he's been looking at the CSI teams over there for me... but honestly, I like it here, I want my son growing up knowing where home actually is" she smiles slightly.

"You want the baby growing up knowing Jack is the father, right?" Thomas speaks knowing all now.

Nikki hesitates before nodding slightly, "I'm gathering Clarissa has told you all now?" Nikki responds.

"Yes, well some of it, the rest I just put together and well Jack has been in an odd mood all day, so I take it good news at the scan?" Thomas asks trying to make Nikki feel at ease.

"Yeah, I'm having a boy" Nikki smiles as she rests her hand on her petite bump.

"Oh wow, are you happy? And I guess everything is okay with him?" Thomas questions.

Nikki nods and smiles, "yeah, he's a little on the small side for twenty-two weeks so they have referred me to a specialist for blood tests and monitoring" Nikki explains.

Thomas nods with a smile, "I'm sure everything will be fine, but honestly I think you need to be more truthful with Matt" Thomas speaks looking at the younger blonde pathologist.

Nikki sighs as much as she didn't want to agree with her boss she knew he was right and she really needs to talk to Matt about Jack and the baby.

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