A scuffle

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Later that day Nikki had been moved to a postnatal ward with baby Ivon, Jack had gone with them to the new ward but has just popped out to the car to grab the extra bag he had picked up which happened to be Nikki's bag. On the way back into the ward he stops off at the hospital shop and picks up a few bottles of pop for Nikki and something for her to eat as she's missed the lunch round on the ward.

Jack grabs the items that he needs before heading to the counter and paying for them before leaving the small shop.

Jack puts the things in Nikki's night bag before heading up the escalators to the second floor complex. He walks past a coffee kiosk which has a few tables and chairs outside of.
As he walks past he notices in the corner of his eye someone get up and follow him. He takes no notice and heads back to the maternity ward.

Halfway down the corridor he senses someone still following him. He looks over his shoulder to see Matt. "What are you following for?" Jack quizzes as he stops walking.

"You! You! You got my wife pregnant, you are going to pay for breaking us apart!" Matt yells at him. It was clear to Jack, Matt had been crying.
"Look, I'm sorry... anyway she said it, she was never happy with you," Jack responds.

The next thing Jack knows Matt throws a punch at him and shoves Jack up the wall somehow. Jack drops Nikki's night bag and blocks another punch, Jack then grabs Matts arm and shoves him up the wall.

Matt instantly fights back and starts to punch Jack. Jack keeps blocking the punches Matt throws at him before coming in with a disabling blow which pushes him to the ground.

Jack picks up the bag and walks away from Matt who is tending to a bloody nose. "Asshole!" Matt shouts at Jack.

He smirks smugly to himself as he walks away knowing he's done the right thing, anyway Matt was much smaller and a different build to Jack, making Matt no match for the cage fighter.

Jack walks back into the maternity ward and down to Nikki I'm on of the bays. As he gets to her he notices she's crying while holding Ivon really close. "Nik?" He asks rather concerned.

He gets to her side to see Ivon is fine and breathing, although he gets a very revealing eye full of Nikki's breast. "What's wrong Nik?" Jack questions as he strokes her hair out of her face.

"It hurts so much" Nikki chokes, Jack realises she's coming to grips with breastfeeding. Jack sits himself on the edge of the bed and places his arm around her shoulders.
"I know Nik" Jack soothes as she breaks down a little more. "Nikki? Look at me?" Jack says as he nudges her chin up noticing she's still allowing her son to feed even though she's in so much pain with it. "Nik, I want you to know I'm always going to be here for you and Ivon, what you're doing is incredible, I love you for it, now remember you're allowed to scream, you're allowed to cry, but do not ever give up! I've got your back" he mumbles as he kisses her cheek.

Half an hour later Nikki is asleep on the bed and Jack is sat in the arm chair beside her with Ivon resting against his bare chest, the midwife had come round to them and spoke about skin to skin contact with both parents and Jack was all for the idea.
As Ivon dozes against his chest Jack admires his tiny features noticing little details including the tiny birthmark come blemish on the side of his nose. "Poor wee kid, ya got my nose" he chuckles.

Jack had never been the paternal type until he found out Nikki was expecting his child now Ivon is here in the flesh he just wanted to hold and cuddle him and make sure he's safe, and he had all the time in the world for it now.

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