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Nikki soon packs away her laptop and files before placing them in the office and heading into the changing rooms to get changed into her white scrubs as she has decided to take sink samples from a different part of the body after her findings didn't match the blood results which could possibly mean the original sample was contaminated.

She pulls her blouse off and quickly changes her trousers into her scrub bottoms. As she turns around to her locker she is hit by a dizzy spell and finds herself sitting down on the bench behind her.

Meanwhile, Jack is stood in the meeting room by the glass windows waiting for Nikki to come out. He looks down at his watch and notices that she's been longer than usual. He paces the room for a short amount of time before heading out of the meeting room and down to the changing rooms to see if Nikki is okay.

He knocks the door before slipping into the changing room, he looks across the room to see Nikki sat on the bench with her head in her hands, sat in her scrub bottoms and bra.

"Are you okay?" Jack asks as he walks over to the female pathologist.
Nikki nods and makes a noise in acknowledgment. "Nikki? Don't lie to me" he speaks.

"I just had a dizzy spell" she speaks as she finally removes her head from her hands and looks up at Jack.
"Is it... Erm... the ... baby?" He asks awkwardly and runs his hand through his hair.

Nikki shakes her head and attempts to stand up but sways slightly. Jack steps in and walks over to her to hold her steady. "Okay?" He asks again and she nods as she finds herself holding Jack's arms.

"I haven't eaten this afternoon" she speaks as she moves away from Jack and he notices a small bump forming.
"That will be why, you... need ... to look after yourself... and the... baby" he speaks as he somehow can't take his eyes off Nikki's stomach.

"I know how to look after myself, Jack!" She speaks sharply.
Jack looks at Nikki and shakes his head, "you clearly don't, let me get you some food while you sort these tests out... okay, so what are you craving?" He speaks stepping closer to her.

Nikki looks at him knowing he's trying to be caring towards her. "Honestly I'm fine" she speaks as she slips her scrub top on.

She ties her hair back into a tidy ponytail. She walks off into the mortuary and takes the body she needs from the fridges and runs a few tests.

Nikki turns her dictaphone on and talks to it as she takes certain samples. While she stands in the cutting room taking samples, Jack remains in the viewing gallery and watches her. He watches as she turns her dictaphone off and places it down on her table beside the body and looks up at Jack, "okay, I give in, I'm craving custard doughnuts if you must know..." she speaks and Jack smiles.

"Okay, want me to get you some? Sugar boost?" He asks and Nikki nods with a smile. He leaves the meeting room and heads back to the offices and grabs his wallet and jacket before heading out.

Twenty minutes later Jack arrives back at the Lyell to find Nikki sat at her desk, he places the bag of six custard doughnuts down in front of her and smiles. "Here you go, as the baby ordered" he smiles.

"Jack... be quiet," she replies awkwardly as he's the only one at the Lyell to know she's pregnant.

He sits down and watches as Nikki open the packet and take a doughnut. "Oh.. oh my god... that's beautiful" Nikki smiles as she takes a few bites from the doughnut.
"Thank you, Jack, how much do I owe you?" She smiles as she rests her hand briefly on her stomach.

"Nothing, as long as I get one" he smirks and Nikki shakes her head and looks at him. "Come on Nik, just one" he smiles as he gets up and walks around to her side of the desk and tries to take the doughnuts from Nikki.

She attempts to stand and walk away with the doughnuts but Jack chases her and grabs her before holding her up the wall, "Thank you" he smiles as he takes the packet of doughnuts and looks deeply into her eyes.

Jack leans forward and Nikki's breathing hitches slightly as he leans forwards and their lips clash.
Instantly he holds her body against him and continues to kiss her more passionately than ever, with no one around he seizes the chance and quickly discards of the doughnuts on the desk and grabs Nikki's hand and guides her into the changing room showers.

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