Feeling off

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Later that evening, Jack and Nikki get in from the short night out. Nikki instantly discards of her shoes and coat as she enters her out. She then walks through to the lounge and sits down on the sofa.

Jack on the other hand locks the front door and then removes his shoes and coat. He walks into the lounge and looks at Nikki who still has no colour in her face. "Here I'm going to make you some dry toast, you need to eat" Jack speaks.

Nikki shakes her head and swallows hard, "no, I don't think I will keep it down" she replies.

"At least try Nik, it's the best you can do, you need to eat" Jack smiles and heads through to the kitchen and grabs some bread from the bread bin and places it in the toaster. He waits for a while and then makes himself a cup of coffee.

Once the toast is ready he takes it from the toaster, he places the piece of toast on a plate and heads through to Nikki.
"Hey, here it is, Lovely white toast" He smiles as he hands her the toast.
Nikki takes the toast and looks at it and sighs heavily. "Jack... I can't" she speaks as she puts it on the arm of the chair.

She looks at her phone and noticed that Matt is calling her. She decides to answer it and Jack remains quiet. "Hey" she speaks.

"Hey Nik, you said to call you back... so I did, hows your day been?" He speaks cheerfully down the phone.

Nikki looks across at Jack for a moment before answering Matt. "Terrible, I think I'm coming down with Norovirus" Nikki replies back.
"Oh lovely, well hopefully you can shake it off by Monday, oh I've spoken to Thomas and he said it's fine, cleared it with HR but we're going away for a few days. I promise I will make it up to you" he speaks.

"Oh... erm... but what if I don't want to go away?" She speaks weakly.
"You have no choice my love" he speaks and Nikki sighs.

They continue to talk for another ten minutes until Nikki decides she'd too tired to talk anymore. During the phone call Nikki has managed a couple of bites of the toast before giving up as she feels awful.

Jack takes the plate and puts the rest of the toast in the bin before placing the plate in the dishwasher. He sets the dishwasher off and comes back into the lounge and sits with Nikki.

Nikki lies down on the sofa and rests her head in Jacks lap. She makes herself comfy and Jack moves his hand and gently starts to stroke her hair.

Soon Nikki is fast asleep and Jack makes no attempt to wake her but gently gets up and then scoops her up into his arms.

Naturally Nikki wraps her arms around Jacks neck and rests her head on his shoulder as she sleeps. Jack carefully carries her upstairs and places her down on the bed. "Nikki? Nikki? You need to get changed" Jack speaks noticing how tight fitting her jeans are.

Nikki groans as Jack stirs her. He looks around the room and then shakes her again, "where are your pyjamas?" He speaks.

Nikki sticks her arm out to her side and points and groans. Jack stands up from where he is sat on her bed and grabs her pyjamas and throws them at her. "Get changed Nikki!" Jack speaks as she attempts to get out of her jeans but Jack ends up helping her out of them. Nikki then removes her blouse and bra and drowsily grabs her pyjama top and pulls it on.

She lies back down and Jack pulls the duvet down and then over her. He smiles at her and then heads downstairs and grabs an old washing up bowl and then takes it upstairs to Nikki.

He places it beside her bed and then fills up a glass of water and places it down beside her too.
Jack sits in the opposite side of the bed and then lies down watching her before he accidentally falls asleep beside her.

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