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The following morning Nikki wakes up to the radio on in the distance, she opens her eyes and gently rolls onto her back holding her bump carefully, she sits up as she feels the urge to go to the toilet.

Nikki instantly realises she must have fallen asleep on the sofa with Jack in his flat. She gets out of bed realising she's in her top from yesterday and no trousers on.

She gets out of the bed and walks out the room and quickly walks to the bathroom as she sees Jack stood in the kitchen in just his boxers.

Once finished in the bathroom she walks into the kitchen and over to Jack and hugs him from behind instantly. Jack feels her small body press against his, "good morning, sleep well?" He asks as he turns around to look at Nikki.

"Why didn't you wake me?" She smiles happily as she feels Jack hand slips to her small bump.
"Because you looked peaceful" Jack speaks as he places a gentle kiss on her head.

"Thanks for letting me stay, it gets quite lonely at home when Matt isn't around" She replies as she feels the urge to kiss Jack but this time goes with her urge and leans forwards to kiss him. "I love you" she smiles.

Jack slips his hand from her bump to her waist and pulls her closer "Hmm, I could get used to this" he mumbles against her lips.

"Same here" she smiles as Jack backs her into the kitchen counter top and holds her still as they kiss.

He slips his hands to her hips and then gently lifts her up onto the countertop so that she's at his level. Nikki smiles as Jack begins to kiss down her neck he gently nibbles along her shoulder. "Hmm I could just eat you" he speaks which causes Nikki to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Jack you absolute cringe" she laughs as she holds his shoulders and looks at him.
"You love it" he mumbles as he goes back into kiss her neck.

She puts her hands on his shoulders and pushes him away, "Jack you're going to leave a mark!" She speaks as he feels him nibbling on her neck.

"I intend too!" He mutters.
"Jack, stop!" She laughs as she can't help but hold him close.

Jack laughs and begins to kiss her again passionately on the lips again. He places his one hand on her neck and the other on her bump and gently strokes her bump as he kisses her.

Suddenly Nikki's phone begins to ring from the kitchen table, Jack pulls away from the kiss and helps Nikki down off the countertop. She walks over to the kitchen table and grabs her phone.
"Matt!" She smiles as she answers the phone and shoots a look at Jack to be quite.

"...Oh I'm just at home... yeah the baby is fine no morning sickness today which is a good sign... oh that noise... I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, I'm being healthy... yeah... okay well I shall speak to you soon, bye" she speaks as she ends the call and looks at Jack.

"What did he want?" Jack smiles as he looks over his shoulder at Nikki as he messes with the stove.
"Checking in on me I gather" she replies.
"Checking up on you how?" Jack asks

Nikki shrugs her shoulders and hugs him from behind but at the same time catches her hand on the stove causing her to jump away, "ah, Shit that hurt!" She says as she grasps her hand tightly.

Jack turns to look at her as she puts her hand under the tap with the cold water running through.

"What are you like?" He smiles as he opens the cupboard by her head and grabs the first aid kit out. He opens the kit and grabs two burns plasters.

Jack gently removes her hand from the water and cleans her small burn before placing the burns plaster over it and a small bandage before lifting her hand and kissing her hand. "Better?" He mumbles.

"Much" she smiles with a few tears in her eyes from the pain of the burn.
Jack cups her cheek and wipes away her tears before stealing a kiss from her lips. "No tears now Niks, you're a big girl" he smirks and she rolls her eyes and leans towards, she steals a long kiss from him.

"Thank you, my knight in shining armour" she speaks softly and strokes his cheek.

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