Truth Comes Out

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It had been since Nikki's son had been born and already she could feel the tension in between Jack and Matt, although right now she couldn't care less as she sits herself up a little more as Jack carries her son over to her after he was weighed and dressed. 

Jack looks down at the small bundle in his arms as he carefully carries him over to Nikki, "Here we go wee man" Jack smiles as he passes him to Nikki. 

Nikki smiles happily with tears in her eyes as Jack passes the small baby to her, She kisses his head and then looks up at Jack happily before glancing at Matt who is sat in the corner of the room. "Why didn't you tell me?" Matt speaks throwing Nikki and Jack completely off guard. 

"I don't know what you're talking about Matt" Nikki breathes. 
"Oh come off it Nikki, it's that obvious now... I'm not an idiot, I can do the maths... That's not my baby" Matt replies. 

Nikki looks at Matt completely shocked, "Matt... don't speak like that!" Nikki says attempting to reason with him while cradling her newborn. 
"That baby is clearly full term, no way would you give birth to a six-pound baby if you were thirty-two weeks, Don't even bother Nikki, I've had two children before I know this!" Matt speaks as he walks over to them. 

She can barely look at Matt as he is shaming her so much, she keeps her eyes fixed on her newborn son and wishes he would leave. "Matt I'm-" She mumbles. 
"He looks like you... congratulations" Matt speaks as he looks at Jack as he goes to shake his hand. 

"Matt please, not now" Nikki speaks slightly distressed that they're going to start fighting. Amy the midwife who has been working on notes in the room notices Nikki is distressed and stands up from her stool and walks over to the new mother. 
"Are you okay?" She asks. 

Nikki nods as the tears stream down, Amy realizes what is happening and decides to put a stop to it, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave!" Amy speaks in a stern tone to Matt. 

He looks at Nikki and shakes his head, "You disgust me, you let me believe he was mine from the minute you found out... you lied to me, you're nothing but a slut and a cheat... I hope you two are happy together" He begins. 
"Sir, please leave!" Amy speaks again. 
"Don't you worry, oh I am leaving... Nikki?... the divorce papers will be in the post to you" He speaks as he grabs his jacket and leaves the room. 

The door slams shut and Nikki begins to cry, even more, Jack looks at her and carefully sits down on the bed beside her and places his arm around her small body and pulls her in. "It's okay, I've got you" He speaks planting a delicate kiss on her forehead. 

Jack smiles as he looks down at the tiny baby boy in her arms and smiles, "He's amazing" Jack speaks choking on his words. 
"I know... he's so beautiful" Nikki replies happily. 

Amy looks at Jack and Nikki with a smile and then down at the newborn in her arms, "So does this little man have a name?" She questions the pair. 

Nikki nods with a smile and looks at Jack, "Ivon..." She smiles happily.
"Ivon Alexander" Jack smiles proudly. 
"No Jack... Ivon Hodgson" She smiles happily as she strokes Ivon's tightly clenched fist as he dozes in his mother's arms. 

"Very unique" Amy replies happily. 
Jack nods and kisses Nikki's head again, Amy gets up and leaves the room for a while. Jack looks at Nikki with a smile on his face as she turns and looks at him too, "Our work of art, I am so proud of you Nik" Jack speaks as he strokes her shoulder. 

Nikki smiles and closes her eyes as her lips brush against Jack's for a brief second. He gently runs his tongue across her lip asking permission to take the kiss deeper, she responds by kissing him back passionatly and smiling slightly into the kiss. 

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