Car Chat

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Later on the day, Nikki has just finished up at a crime scene and is talking to the SIO in charge, about what she plans to do next with the badly disfigured body. "... As I said earlier I will only be able to say what happened after the post-mortem, the body has been taken to the Lyell and I shall start the postmortem tomorrow morning."
"We can certainly tell what happened to that body, human versus industrial lawnmower" another police office pitches in who is stood beside the SIO. 

"I can't confirm anything yet" Nikki speaks as she picks up her forensic case and walks over to her car where she is met by Jack who has just finished up with the soco team. Nikki removes her forensic suit and puts it in a plastic bag which is for disposal.

"Pub later?" Jack suggests as he lifts Nikki's forensic case into her boot and then puts his own down in there too.
"Erm... Jack, I'm fifteen weeks pregnant, there is no way I am drinking!" She smiles as she watches Jack attempt to touch her bump but stops and looks back into the boot of the car, "If you really want to feel the baby you can, I can't feel it move yet" She speaks.

Jack smiles awkwardly and shakes his head before getting into Nikki's car, Nikki sighs and climbs into the driver's side of the car. She sits there for a moment and looks at her phone to see a text from Matt saying he's just left for the airport. "Everything okay?" Jack asks noticing Nikki's body shift unevenly.

"I'm fine," She smiles with a few tears in her eyes.
"Are you sure? because I can see tears in your eyes" He replies placing his hand on her knee. He sighs and looks at her as she starts to sob to herself.
"Sorry, I-I-I can't dump this on your now" She speaks as she gets some tissue from the packet in the side of the car door.

Jack looks at her and removes his hand from her knee before reaching over and removing the keys from the ignition, "Well we're not going anywhere until you tell me" He speaks as he watches Nikki's expression change.

He looks down at her hands to see she isn't wearing her wedding rings, "Where are your rings Nik?" Jack asks as he takes hold of her left hand.
"I take them off at crime scenes... erm... they would rip the latex" She explains.

They both sit there in silence, and true to his word Jack doesn't give her the keys back until she speaks about why she is crying. He looks at her to see the tears still streaming down her face, "Well come on out with it, there is something else I know there is... I see it on your pretty little face" Jack replies as he keeps hold of her hand.

"Things with me and Matt aren't working" She mumbles as she blows her nose into the tissue.
"What really? from What Matt puts on his Facebook, you two seem pretty loved up" He replies slightly jealous by this idea.

She takes a breath and wipes her eyes again, "Things aren't all as they seem behind the light of social media..." She speaks as she rubs her bump.
"Is there something wrong with the baby?" He asks swallowing nervously as his eyes drift to her bump.

Nikki looks up at him and shakes her head, "God no!" She speaks quickly. Jack then gently shifts and places his hand on her bump.

Jack smiles as Nikki gently places her hand on top of his, She looks down at his hand and smiles, "I just want this baby to have the best life, that is why I'm crying" She mumbles not taking her eyes off his hand.

"And you and Matt will give it the best life" He speaks ignoring the fact he is most definitely the father.
"What... and me, live an unhappy life in America?" Nikki answers.
"Well, what do you want then?" Jack asks as he pulls his hand away from her bump.

Nikki sighs and looks down at her lap, "I want you to have as much interaction with the baby as possible" She replies putting Jack on the spot.
"But, what about Matt?" Jack says.

"I don't want Matt" She speaks as she turns to look at him.
"What do you mean?" Jack speaks with a nervous tone in his voice.
"I want you... It's always been you, Jack, ever since I met you... I love you" She replies and Jack's heart breaks for a moment as he doesn't understand what she means, a few seconds later he notices that she actually means in and he gently leans in to kiss her.

Nikki leans forwards until their lips meet, "I love you" Jack mumbles as he cups Nikki's cheeks.

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