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Nikki and Jack are once again called back to another consultation room this time on the maternity ward on the opposite side of the hospital due to how far along Nikki is into her pregnancy and also due to being quite an older first-time mother.
"So, Ms. Alexander... are we okay to call you Nicola?" The older doctor begins as Nikki feels Jack take hold of her hand once again.
"Please, Nikki" She responds to the male doctor.
"So from our tests and looking back at what your sonographer has said your baby is slightly on the smaller side for twenty-two weeks pregnant, so the bleeding is caused by an infection you have at the moment, we shall give you something for the water infection... but our main concern is your blood pressure, also we've fast-tracked your blood tests from your scan and also from accident and emergency," The doctor explains as Nikki feels the urge to grab Jack's hand.

Jack looks down at his hand to see Nikki's small hand slip into his, she squeezes his hand tight and he looks up at her with a reassuring smile, "Okay?" She asks.

"From what our blood results are telling us is that you have pre-eclampsia. Now, do you know what this is?" The doctor questions.

Nikki nods slowly and takes a shakey break, "Of course I do... I'm a doctor" Nikki replies.
"Great, now the most effective treatment for preeclampsia is delivery. You're at increased risk of seizures, placental abruption, stroke, and possibly severe bleeding until your blood pressure decreases. Of course, it's too early in your pregnancy, the delivery may not be the best thing for your baby."

She looks at the doctor completely horrified, although she knows the risks it completely shocks her that it's now on her and it feels very different to hear. "So what will you do for me now?" Nikki asks attempting to hide her emotion.

"For now, I shall prescribe you antihypertensives, are used to lower your blood pressure but we shall monitor the baby and if needs be and you develop severe pre-eclampsia around thirty weeks we can administer corticosteroid medications can temporarily improve liver and platelet function to help prolong your pregnancy."

Nikki glances at Jack who grabs her hand tightly, "Breathe, Nik," He mumbles as he lets go of her hand and strokes her knee.

"...Corticosteroids can also help your baby's lungs become more mature in as little as 48 hours — an important step in preparing a premature baby for life outside the womb..." He speaks and Nikki jumps in.
"What! No, No... I am not having him prematurely!" She snaps but at the same time the tears come streaming down his face, Nikki then turns to Jack and looks at him "How am I meant to explain that one to Matt?"

Jack strokes her knee and looks up at her, "We will think of something."
Nikki bites her lip to fight the emotion and then looks back at the Doctor who proceeds to give her advice and information on the condition, he advises her to cut down her hours at work which doesn't go down well with Nikki, he then gives her more advice and leaflets.

After the appointment, Nikki and Jack leave the hospital knowing there is nothing wrong with the baby but the diagnosis of pre-eclampsia. Jack gets back into the driver's side of Nikki's car and looks at her, "So... Pizza?" Jack suggests noticing Nikki seems quiet.

"After my own heart" Nikki smiles as she rests her head briefly on Jack's shoulder.
Jack rests his hand on her cheek before she moves and looks at him, Jack leans in and kisses her on the lips. "I love you... now you know I'm looking out for you and my little man, so anything you need, I don't care what time of day it is, you call me..." He mumbles as he kisses her again.

Nikki smiles and kisses him once more before sitting back in her chair and putting the seatbelt on. "Now how about that Pizza?" She smiles and Jack smirks and shifts in his seat before pulling the seatbelt on.

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