Playing with Fire

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The following morning Nikki wakes in a strange bed, she has a banging headache and no idea how she got into this strange bed. She groans as she rolls over and is met by the sun beaming through the window, blinding her. 
She sits herself up and pulls the covers around her chest to protect her modesty, Soon in walks Jack putting Nikki's mind at rest slightly, realising she had spent the night with Jack and not some random man. 

"Morning" Jack smiles as he leans forward and kneels on the bed, he plants a kiss on her lips and smiles. 
"How did I get here?" Nikki asks as she notices Jack has already left a glass of water and a packet of paracetamol down on the bedside table. 

Jack kisses her again and smiles, "You, got very, very, very drunk and..." He begins. 
"Oh god, spare me the details," She says holding her forehead. 
"Let's just say there is nothing wrong with your knees" He replies making Nikki cringe realising what she has done. 

Nikki lies back against the pillows and groans as she looks up at Jack who is still kneeling over her, he then straddles her body and leans down to kiss her, "I love you..." He mumbles against her lips and Nikki smiles and wraps her arms around his neck as she begins to kiss him passionately. 

Twenty minutes later, Nikki rolls over and looks at Jack with a smile. "That was... amazing" She smiles stealing a kiss from him. 
"I know I was" He chuckles and Nikki hits his bare chest playfully. "Hey, that hurts!" He whines like a child. 

Nikki tuts and rolls her eyes before getting up and clambering out of his bed, "Mmm, what a beautiful sight" Jack smirks as he rests his arms behind his head and watches her as she grabs one of his tops and pulls it on. "Now that is sexy" He mumbles watching her pull his top on. 

She looks over at him with a smirk and then walks off to go to the toilet. Two minutes later she comes back into the bedroom looking slightly pale which Jack doesn't register as he is too busy checking out her legs. 

Nikki lies back down in the bed and looks at Jack as she rests on her side, Jack smiles and moves so he is facing her, as he moves Nikki notices the time and bolts upright, "Shit, I'm late for work!" She speaks with trepidation in her tone. 

"Hey, calm down Nik, they can survive without us for a day" Jack smirks as he winds his arm around her tiny waist.

Although, Nikki is having none of it and gets out of bed and quickly dresses into yesterday's clothes. "Fuck, fuck, fuck... I'm so late" Nikki panics as she scrapes her hair back into a ponytail. 

Jack climbs out of bed and also gets changes, "Here, let me give you a lift to work." Jack speaks.

"Oh yeah, that will look great, won't it? I mean you and I, both late. arriving in the same car, there will be questions Jack!" Nikki panics 
He slips his arms around her again once dressed and smiles at her through the mirror, "Look, we shall just say your car wouldn't start, so I came to collect you" He speaks and kisses her neck and Nikki smiles before moving away from him. 

Twenty minutes later they arrive at the Lyell Centre car park and pull up, then walk towards the building but Jack quickly pulls her off to the side away from the front entrance and pushes her up the wall and begins to kiss her, "God knows... how I am going... to keep my hands off you" Jack speaks as he kisses her ever so passionately.

Meanwhile, Clarissa is sat in the offices of the Lyell and turns to look at some paperwork to the left of her when she notices that the CCTV on the west side of the building has been triggered, this area is usually where the bodies come in. She manoeuvres her chair so she can see the screens. She then notices Jack with a woman pinned up the wall. 

She watches for a moment with a smirk on her face wondering which police officer he's fallen for now.  Her face drops as Jack pulls away from the small body and she realises that it's Nikki. "Oh lord Jack, what have you gotten yourself into... playing with fire there..." She mumbles completely horrified. 

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