One falling Piece of Paper

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Half an hour later Nikki arrives at work and gets straight down to work, although she left different about working she felt like she is earning her money for her son or daughter to be brought upon.
She sits down at her desk and places her handbag under her desk and notices the scan sat in the bag. She sits back as she logs into her computer and rests her hand on her stomach while no one is in the room. "Hey in there, now I know you're healthy and cooking away nicely, will you cut me some slack and let me keep food down and work" she smiles to herself.

She instantly moves her hand away when she hears Clarissa and Jack walking into the office. Nikki opens up her emails and smirks to herself knowing she has a lovely little secret all to herself.

"Afternoon" Clarissa smiles over at Nikki as she removes her jacket as she's been out for lunch with Max.
"Hi, sorry I couldn't get in this morning, doctor's appointment" Nikki speaks.

Clarissa looks over at her and smirks slightly. "Everything okay?" She asks noticing Nikki's eyes are following Jack around the room.

"Yeah, just a general health check" she smiles as she makes herself look down at her computer.

Clarissa nods and allows Nikki to get on with her work. Jack soon sits down opposite Nikki and begins looking through a box full of evidence from a crime scheme he has visited this morning.

They continue to work for another hour before Nikki decides to go and make herself a cup of tea. She does her rounds and asks; Thomas, Clarissa, and Jack if they wanted anything while she's in the kitchen.

While In the kitchen making drinks for herself and Thomas she gets a phone call from an unknown number. She instantly answers it as it's on her work phone. She listens and replies a few times. "...Jack, could you grab my diary out of my handbag please" Nikki calls over as she has her hands full.

Jack stands and walks around to her side of the desk and grabs her handbag from under the desk, he puts the bag on the desk and pulls out her diary. As he does so a piece of paper falls to the desk. He grabs it and goes to put it back in her diary but turns over the paper to see a very clear image if a Fetal ultrasound.

He gazes at it for a second before walking over to Nikki with the diary in hand and the scan. He hands the diary to her and she turns to thank him but sees him with her scan photo in hand.

Jack simply hands her the scan and walks off and sits himself down at his desk. Nikki finishes her call and carries her diary back over to her desk where she puts it away in her handbag along with her ultrasound photo.

She sits there awkwardly for a second before getting back up to grab her drink and also Thomas's. She drops the mug off in his office before sitting herself down. Luckily for Nikki, it's a quiet day in the lab and things haven't been hectic which gives her time to take in her news and also prepare for some questions that are going to come her way now Jack has seen her scan.

Ten minutes later Jack manages to get Nikki alone as she has moved to work in the meeting room as it's cooler in there than the office itself.
She is fixed on her laptop when she hears the door click open and the shut. Nikki looks up to see Jack stood before her. "You lied to me!" He speaks in a harsh tone.

"Hello to you too Jack!" Nikki speaks softly.
"Why did you tell me that you are pregnant, why tell me that it was a negative test... why lie to me Nikki!" Jack says in a raised tone as all his rage and temper comes out at once.

Nikki continues to look up at him in shock. "Jack... I-" she begins.
"Save it I don't want to hear it! Why lie to me Nikki? You're meant to be my friend... my-" he stops himself and looks at her.

His temper is slowly and it's worrying Nikki. "Jack we are friends, please... don't make me do this" she speaks.
"Do what? Are you getting rid of it? Is that what you think? I saw the date on the scan, it's mine isn't it!" He speaks with such anger in his tone.

Nikki bites her lip and attempts to fight back her emotion but finds herself bursting into tears with no control over if she cries or not.

Jack looks at her sympathetically realising how bad he let his temper go. He freezes for a moment realising she never denied the baby not being his. "Nik, I'm sorry" he speaks ever so softly his Irish accent dancing on his tongue.
He walks over to her and stands her up as she continues to cry, he pulls her into a gentle embrace and just holds her there for a while.

"I'm sorry Jack" she cried into his chest as she grabs a fist full of his top in her hand.
"Don't be silly Nikki, I didn't mean to upset you, just a shock" he speaks as they pull away from the embrace and his eyes flutter down to her stomach for a brief second.
"Does Matt-" Jack begins steadily. Nikki shakes her head and pulls herself back into a hug.
"He knows I'm pregnant, just not the tiny bombshell I need to drop" she speaks nervous into his chest.
Jack runs his hand across her back and holds her there for a while longer.

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