Hangover from Hell

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Nikki arrives in the Lyell first and smiles over at Clarissa as she takes her jacket off and puts her handbag down. "Morning, sorry I'm late... The car wouldn't start, so Jack gave me a lift" Nikki smiles as she quickly grabs her wedding rings out of her purse and puts them on.

Clarissa watches suspiciously, she then notices Jack walking into the Lyell and he straight away puts his jacket on the back of his chair and looks at Nikki, who actions to him in secrecy to wipe his mouth as he has lipstick on his chin from her.

"Late aren't you Jack, Nikki was telling me that her car wouldn't start... I mean isn't that a brand new business car Nikki?" Clarissa asks as she decides to give herself the mission of seeking them both out.

Nikki looks up at Clarissa with a nauseating look written across her face, "Yeah, these new cars... always something wrong with them, I had a look for Nikki. It could be the starter on it" Jack speaks for Nikki who looks pale again.

"Alright there Nikki? you look a little bit pale" Clarissa speaks and Nikki nods and looks down at her desk before swallowing hard.
"Yeah I'm fine, hungover that's all" She speaks with a slight laugh. Clarissa nods slightly and lets Nikki carry on with her work.

Half an hour later Nikki has been called into a Postmortem briefing with the police, leaving Clarissa some time to interrogate Jack. "So Jack..." Clarissa speaks as she moves her wheelchair to Jack's side.

She sits forward and smiles, "What can I help you with?" He asks.
"You... are playing in very dangerous waters" She replies leaving Jack looking confused.
"What? I don't understand" He speaks.

Clarissa shakes her head, "I saw the CCTV of your and Dr. Alexander on the west wing... what the hell are you playing at Jack she's-" She cuts off noticing someone walking by so lowers her tone, "She's a married woman!" Clarissa says practically exploding at Jack in a hushed tone.

Jack looks down at his lap and doesn't say anything to Clarissa. "So?..." She says pushing for an answer. Jack doesn't say anything to her and remains silent. "Please tell me you haven't slept with her..." Clarissa speaks but still, there is no reply from Jack.
He just looks up and looks at Clarissa for a second, "Oh Jack... what possessed you to sleep with her, please tell me you two were careful!" She adds.

"Of course we were safe. She's not happy with Matt, she's married to a man she never sees!" Jack replies and Clarissa can't believe what she is hearing.
"You can't just jump in bed with her because she doesn't see her husband as much as she would like too!" Clarissa says attempting to stress the danger he could get himself into by sleeping with a married woman.

"Please, don't say anything. It'll stop, I promise!" Jack pleads realising Clarissa could blow their cover.
"And this morning? Her car didn't break down... she was with you? in your bed?" She asks and Jack nods.

Suddenly there is a rush of commotion as Nikki dashes through into the offices and grabs the small metal bin and runs out the room again. Clarissa and Jack look at each other for a moment before they both hear gagging and the sound of vomiting coming from the corridor.

Jack stands up and goes to step forward, "Let me go" Clarissa speaks as she heads through into the corridor to find Nikki stood with her head in the bin.  "Nikki?" Clarissa asks.
"Sorry... My hangover, I got so drunk last night... It was bound to happen" Nikki speaks as Clarissa heads back into the offices quickly and grabs the box of tissues.

Nikki walks back into the offices and heads into the staffroom and grabs some cleaning products and walks out again and picks up the bin she has been sick into and heads to the toilet to clean it up. "Smelt like alcohol vomit" Clarissa speaks pulling a face.
"Lovely" Jack says as he tries to think of something more pleasant than Nikki's vomit.

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