Waiting Room

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Later that day Nikki is sat in the hospital waiting room of the maternity wing waiting to see a midwife for her first scan, She sits there anxiously wishing someone was with her to put her nerves at ease. Nikki picks up a magazine and flicks through it to try and put her mind at rest. She looks through it a heavily pregnant woman sits down beside her with a young child also.

Nikki suddenly feels the child touching her arm and looks to her side and smiles happily at the little girl who is watching Nikki. "Oh Annabelle, don't disturb the lady!" the mother of the child speaks. "I've very sorry about her. She is so cheeky" She smiles.

"Don't worry, I don't mind" Nikki smiles happily back as she watches the young girl pull out her doll from her Peppa Pig bag and proceeds to show Nikki.

"Annabelle, don't bother the lady, come here" The mother speaks as she pulls the four-year-old girl onto her lap and chuckles.
Nikki smiles and looks at Annabelle sat on her Mum's lap and wonders if her child would be as cheeky as the fair-haired child sat beside her. "How long do you have left?" Nikki speaks.

"Just three months" She smiles and runs her hand over her bump, and Nikki's eyes widen as she notices the size of the woman's rather large bump. "Don't worry, it's twins" She chuckles.

Nikki breathes a sigh of relief and chuckles along a little, "Sorry, I-" She begins.
"Don't worry, a lot of people just think I'm almost ready to pop" She smirks, Nikki smiles and looks a the little girl who is now playing absent-mindedly with her doll. "Are you? or are you waiting for someone?" She asks as Nikki is still has a very much flat stomach.

"Yes actually, my first. Just gone thirteen weeks" She smiles happily and places her hand on her own stomach.

"Oh, congratulations... I have four both are sets of twins, my partner has this little madam's twin at the moment" the expectant mother smiles.

She continues to sit and talk to the woman beside her until she is called into the midwives room, Nikki stands and grabs her handbag and walks into the room. She takes a seat and begins to talk with the midwife who talks her through the first examination and takes down important information.

Nikki is soon asked to get on the examination table and prepare herself for the scan. She is handed some tissues to stop her trousers from getting damp from the gel.

She takes a deep breath and she waits for the midwife to begin the scan. "So I shall just run some general checks on the baby and take measurements" She explains and Nikki nods.

Nikki holds her breath as the midwife presses the doppler down on her stomach. After a few minutes the midwife turns the screen towards her and smiles, "here we go, one very healthy baby" she smiles. She flicks a switch and the sound of the heartbeat jumps to life. "And a very strong heartbeat too" she smiles as she records the screen and lets Nikki watch it while the midwife takes measurements.

Nikki bites her lip and she fights back her emotion but a few tears slip down her face. "I'm so sorry, this is silly of me" Nikki speaks.

"Oh don't worry, it's normal for most women to get emotional seeing the baby for the first time." She replies to Nikki and hands her a few tissues to dry her tears and also to clean to the gel off her stomach.

Nikki smiles happily as the midwife hands her a printed photo of the scan of her baby. Once cleaned up the midwife talks about the next steps for Nikki before allowing her to leave.

She walks out the hospital to her car and gets In she sits there for a while and grabs her scan from her handbag and looks at it. She sighs contently and gently places her hand on her stomach.

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