A Friend in Need

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A couple of days later and it's the weekend. Matt has just left the house to head to another meeting with the embassy in the City of London. Meanwhile, Nikki is waiting for Clarissa to come round for a girly chat and some lunch.

Ten minutes after Matt has left, the doorbell rings. Nikki gets herself up from the sofa and walks to the front door to be greeted by Clarissa. "Clarissa" Nikki smiles and leans forward to give her a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek. "Come in" Nikki smiles as she opens the door wider for Clarissa to get her wheelchair in.

Clarissa leaves her wheelchair in the hallway and grabs her walking stick before following Nikki through to the kitchen. "Tea?" Nikki asks as she fills the kettle.

"Yes please," Clarissa smiles as she manages to take a seat at the table.

Nikki grabs two mugs and prepares them. Once the kettle is boiled she pours the liquid into two mugs before adding milk and removing the teabag.

Nikki brings the two mugs to the kitchen table and hands one to Clarissa before sitting herself down. "Love what you've done with the kitchen" Clarissa smiles as she glances around Nikki's kitchen.

After a while of girly chat, Clarissa decides to bring up the subject of Jack to Nikki after she blew their cover while at work a few days ago. "So... you and Jack," Clarissa speaks.
"What about him?" Nikki asks curiously.
"For a start you're married... don't you two think it's a bit... dangerous" Clarissa speaks.

Nikki signs and feels an urge to place her hand on her stomach, she fights the urge and looks at Clarissa. "I know... it's just... I have really strong feelings for him" she explains.

"No, Nikki, why didn't you think about this before marrying Matt?" Clarissa asks.

"I didn't... I slept with Jack on new years..." Nikki speaks.
"You was working new year," Clarissa speaks as she looks at Nikki who raises an eyebrow and it suddenly hits her where Jack and Nikki slept together.

"I hope you two were careful, have you told Matt?" She asks.
"No... it would destroy him, honestly Clarissa, he's not been the same since Jonathon died" she explains.

Clarissa sighs and looks at the younger woman, "Nikki...I don't know what to say" she speaks almost feeling sorry for the female pathologist.

Nikki looks down at her phone and flicks through her notifications before standing up and putting her empty mug in the dishwasher. "There's not a lot you can say, I'm not happy with Matt, I hardly ever see him..." she explains.

Clarissa sits looking at her friend unsure of what to say, but before she can say anymore Nikki speaks up again, "Excuse me a second I need to pop to the toilet" She smiles and leaves the kitchen.

A few moments later Nikki returns from the downstairs bathroom and mumbles to herself in the hallway, "I wish you wouldn't make me want to pee so much" She speaks softly. Clarissa hears Nikki mumbling from the hallway and her eyes widen slightly but decides to not say anything when she comes back into the kitchen.

Nikki walks straight to the refrigerator and gets the carton of orange juice from it, she pours some into a small glass before placing the orange juice back in the refrigerator. "...So how does Jack feel being your bit on the side?" Clarissa asks as Nikki sits back down at the kitchen table.

Nikki turns away for a second and thinks. She then looks back at Clarissa, "I need to tell you something more important..." She begins.
"What could be more important than that?" Clarissa questions as she finishes off her cup of tea.

Nikki takes a breath and looks at her friend, "I'm pregnant," She breathes.
"I guess it's Jack's then," Clarissa speaks raising both eyebrows awaiting the response.
"What makes you think it's Jack's baby?" Nikki speaks in a harsh tone.

Clarissa raises an eyebrow and smirks, "Well we were just talking about him and now you decide to tell me you are pregnant... coincidence, I think not. Don't forget you ignored my question about him being your bit on the side..." She speaks.

The female pathologist stops dead and thinks to herself, there is no way out of this one even if she tried she would dig herself a deeper hole. Nikki's eyes instantly start to well up and Clarissa looks at her friend with sympathy in her eyes, "Oh Nikki."

"Matt doesn't know.. that it's Jack's!" Nikki bursts out suddenly as the tears roll down her face.
"Erm... well he is going to find out right?" Clarissa asks.

Nikki shakes her head and looks down at her hands, "No, I can't... I've got this all planned out, he won't suspect a thing, Matt thinks I'm eleven weeks pregnant... not thirteen weeks" Nikki explains as she has this all planned down to the tiniest detail.

She slips her hand to her stomach and sniffles as she holds back the emotion. "Nikki, you can't do that, what about Jack? It's his baby too, you don't have the right to choose what happens!" Clarissa speaks as she starts to become defensive for her closest friend.

Just as Nikki goes to speak the front door clicks open and Nikki jumps as she realizes Matt is back, "Please don't say anything!" Nikki begs and Clarissa instantly nods. Nikki wipes her tears away from her cheeks and tries to compose herself.
"It's your mess, you get yourself out of it!" Clarissa replies as she stands up and decides now it the time to leave.

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