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Nikki paces the waiting room while Clarissa sits with a coffee in her hand waiting news on Jack who was rushed into hospital after being stabbed by an unknown assailant on his arrival back to the Lyell. "Nikki please sit down, you're not doing yourself or the baby any good!" Clarissa speaks watching her friend pace some more.

"Why is no one telling me anything! I can't be dealing with this!" Nikki huffs as she grabs her handbag.
"Where are you going now, Nikki?" Clarissa questions slightly concerned for the heavily pregnant woman stood before her.
"I'm going to get some answers!" Nikki snaps as she walks out of the room in search of a Nurse, she approaches the first nurse she can find but they tell her nothing and that she needs to go back to the waiting room.

Nikki doesn't listen to the nurse and goes in search of a coffee machine. Once Nikki finds a coffee machine she takes the dispensed drink and sits down on the seats in the corridor. She sips the warm liquid and closes her eyes attempting to fight off any tears. "Mrs. Hodgson?" A voice speaks and Nikki ignores it as there is a woman sat beside her, she feels the woman beside her tap her shoulder, she looks up from the coffee table the nurse stood before her. "You're Mrs. Hodgson? Jack Hodgson's wife" The nurse smiles.

"We're not..." Nikki begins.
"Oh sorry, he was asking for a Nikki so I assume it's you he's after" He smiles.

Nikki smiles slightly as she tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, "How is he?" Nikki smiles.
"He's very lucky, flesh wound, we have stitched him up and we will be able to discharge him once the Doctor has done his rounds" He smiles.

"Can I see him?" Nikki asks as she finishes her coffee.
"Yes, that is why I came to find you" He smiles as Nikki stands up and grabs her handbag.
"James," He introduces himself to her as they walk down the corridor, Nikki smiles slightly and holds her bump, "How long you got left?" James asks indicating to her bump.

"Nine weeks," She smiles.
"Do you know what you're having?" James asks.
"A boy" Nikki smiles.

Nikki smiles as she strokes her bump, "Good luck to you both," He speaks with a smile.
"I can't wait for him to be here, although I'm so scared, he's going to be our first child together... and well our first ever" Nikki smiles nervously as he walks Nikki into the Accident and Emergency cubicles.

James walks her over to a cubicle and draws back the curtains to see Jack sat on the edge of the bed, "Nikki" Jack smiles happily to see her almost as nothing has even happened.

Nikki walks over to him and throws her arms around him and pulls him into a hug her bump stopping them from getting as close as they wanted to be. Nikki pulls away and looks at him, "I fucking hate you!" She hisses as she hits him on the arm.

"What? What did I do?" He replies slightly amused by her response.
"I ... I... I thought I was going to lose you, Jack!" Nikki speaks as the tears stream down her face suddenly. "I thought we were going to lose you... I love you so much!" She adds.

Nikki throws her arms back around Jack and hugs him closely, Jack carefully places his arms around her trying to ignore the pain. "I love you too" He mumbles as he kisses her shoulder before they pull away and he then kisses her on the lips unaware Clarissa is at the foot of the hospital bed looking at them.

She clears her throat and looks at the pair who turn to look at her, "I take it you two have been lying to me for the past eight months, god Jack she's married" Clarissa speaks attempting to make them see sense.

"She won't be for much longer..." Jack speaks making Nikki gasp in surprise.
"Jack, that's insane, ignore him Nikki he's drugged up on pain relief" Clarissa speaks as she feels her heartbreak at the idea Clarissa clearly doesn't want them to be happy.
"Look, I better go," Nikki replies awkwardly as she grabs her handbag with her jacket draped over her bag and walks off.
Jack stands abruptly and attempts to walk after her but is met by a blinding pain in his back from where he was stabbed, "Nikki!" He shouts but it's too late as she's gone, Jack turns back to Clarissa who is met to be one of his closet friends and shoots her a look before shaking his head.

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