It's the NHS

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Today is Nikki's 20-week scan and has invited Jack along as Matt is still away in Washington until the end of the month.
Nikki is currently gathering her notes and plans to show to her midwife upon arrival, she is now just waiting for Jack to arrive so they can head to the hospital together.

Nikki sits reading through her partly put together a birth plan which she has put together in between postmortems and case paperwork.  She then places the half-prepared plan in a folder and places it inside her handbag before standing up and she can see Jack's car pulling up.

She gathers her things and then heads to the front door and opens it before stepping out, locking the front door and walking to Jack's car.

"Morning" Jack smiles cheerfully as Nikki carefully gets herself into the car. She places her handbag between her legs and shuts the door.

"Morning" she smiles back cheerfully as she leans over and kisses him on the cheek.
"Careful Nik, the neighbours... you never know if they're watching" he smiles as he kisses her again and gently runs his hand over her bump.

They pull away and smile at one another for a moment. "Okay, shall we go to the hospital now so we don't hit traffic" Nikki suggests and Jack snaps out of his daze and starts the engine and then pulls away from the drive.

Soon, they arrive at the hospital and they get out of the car and head to the maternity wing of the hospital. Nikki books herself in once at the waiting room and comes and sits back down next to Jack.
"How are you feeling?" Jack asks as he watches her drink some more water from her bottle.

"Nervous" Nikki admits as she strokes her bump and smiles at Jack.
"It's all going to be okay" He speaks as he rests his hand on her knee, he then finds himself scanning the room to see women of all different stages of pregnancy sat waiting.

Nikki picks up a magazine and starts to flick through it, "why do they put rubbish magazines in waiting rooms, this magazine is from last month" Nikki sighs and then places the magazine back down.

"High expectations haven't you... especially from an NHS hospital, I think they spend more money on life-saving equipment than magazines" Jack speaks.

"I know!" Nikki snaps unintentionally.
"Okay... sorry" he replies.
"I'm sorry, just not slept well" Nikki answers back.

Jack just smiles with a nod and sits quietly waiting for her name to be called for her scan. "What was wrong last night?" Jack decides to question.

She looks up as she sips her water and then replies. "Terrible heartburn again, morning sickness subsides and then I get terrible heartburn" she answers as she finished the bottle of water.

Jack just smiles at Nikki and then gets his phone out to look at notifications. "Nicola Alexander please!" A voice calls out and Nikki gathers her stuff and stands up, followed by Jack.

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