Time Passing

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Seven and a half years later -
It's five in the evening and Nikki has just arrived home from her shift, she had been recently made head of forensic pathology and Science at the Lyell and life was looking good. She had also been married to Jack for just under three years now after her divorce to Matt was finalized. 

She opens the front door to her house and takes her shoes off before putting her forensic case down and handbag, she pushes the door open to the lounge to see Jack knelt on the floor with Ivon and Olly hanging off Jack, while their recent member of the household a two-year-old King Charles Cavalier Spaniel - Max barks loudly at Jack and his two sons. 

Two years after Nikki gave birth to Ivon Nikki found out she was pregnant with their second child - Their son Oliver James Hodgson, but known as Olly. They had never been happier, she was halfway through the divorce process and she got steps closers to being a free woman from Matt's looming shadow. Olly is the copy of his mother in every way right down to the blonde hair and brown eyes. 
Within another year Nikki fell pregnant with a little girl, although tragedy struck at eight months when Nikki couldn't feel the baby move, hours later the news they dreaded came back to them that the baby had no heartbeat. Nikki sadly that day delivered a stillborn baby who they named -Mia Rose Hodgson. It hurt them so much emotionally but surprisingly brought them together and made them stronger,  they still talk about her now to their boys and she is known as the little sister who got her angel wings. 

Nikki steps into the lounge to see Jack and her two son's wrestling with their dog barks at them frantically. Nikki smiles and rests against the door frame as she watches them before they realize she is there. "Mummy!" Olly beams as he attempts to free himself from the headlock Jack has him in. "Daddy! let go!" the five-year-old laughs. 

Nikki chuckles to herself and walks over to the sofa and sits down, "Did you have a good day at work Mummy?" Ivon smiles as he walks over to her and jumps on the sofa beside her and gives her a hug. 
"Yes, it was busy and I missed you and Olly so much" She smiles as her son continues to hug her. 
Olly then manages to free himself and jumps up onto his Mothers lap, "We've really missed you, Daddy took Max for a walk and he dived in the lake so we had to bath him!" Olly shouts. 

Nikki chuckles as she watches Jack get up off the floor, "Olly! I was meant to tell Mummy that!" Ivon shouts.
Nikki rolls her eyes and pulls Ivon close, "Well you can tell me who won Daddy or Max?" Nikki smirks. 
"Max obviously!" The seven-year-old beams. 

She looks up at Jack and raises an eyebrow, "It took me an hour, and these two wee monsters didn't help me, just stood laughing" Jack laughs. He then walks over to Ivon and Olly and pokes them both making them squirm and laugh. 

Nikki looks up at her husband and smiles happily at him before she places her arm around Ivon and pulls him into a hug as well as Olly. Jack notices a few tears in her eyes and raises an eyebrow at her, "What's wrong?" He asks. 
"Just all this, you, me the boy's, I never thought I'd have a family and now I have you and my two beautiful boys" Nikki smiles as she kisses bot Ivon and Olly on the head.
"Hey, don't forget Mia!" Ivon speaks up as he points to the drawn portrait of Mia on the mantlepiece. 

She sighs and looks at the drawing of her daughter, she would have been turning four soon and she wonders what she would have been like and who she would have looked like more. "Of course how could I forget our little princess."
Jack smiles as sits down beside Ivon and pulls him onto his lap before shuffling closer to Nikki and resting his hand on Nikki's knee and kisses her cheek. "Eww! Mummy and Daddy are making babies!" Ivon shouts as he watches them kiss more. 

"I think you two monsters are enough!" Jack chuckles as he pulls away from his wife and looks at his sons. 
"Mummy, what is Mia doing in heaven now?" Olly questions innocently. 

Nikki bites her lip to fight back any emotion, she thinks to herself before responding. "I reckon she is watching you two right now, and doing lots of girly things that you smelly boys don't like," Nikki chuckles as she watches the boys faces drop in horror. 
"No Mia likes boy stuff too!" Ivon protests making Nikki laugh at him. 
"I'm sure she does," Jack smiles at them. 

They spend the rest of the evening cuddled up on the sofa watching films that are appropriate enough for the boys before they put them to bed. Once they are in bed Nikki and Jack sit together downstairs on the sofa, "What are you thinking about Jack?" Nikki questions as she picks up her glass of wine and looks at her husband. 
"You," He mumbles. 
"What about me?" She smirks as she places his arms.
"Do you ever feel complete?" He questions her and she raises an eyebrow, "I mean do you want any more children?" He asks. 

Nikki sits up with her glass still in her hand and looks at him, "You know my response, I don't want to go through it all again, especially since Mia" Nikki sighs and Jack rests his hand on her knee, she looks down at her lap, within minutes she looks back up at him, "I'd give anything to hold her again" She sighs and Jack sighs at her before taking the glass of wine out of her hands and then pulls her onto his lap. 
"Well then I'm going to just have to hold you now because I miss her too. Maybe we don't need any more kids, she's with us anyway, she's all around us" Jack smiles as he watches Nikki play with her necklace. 
"I Love you, Mr. Hodgson," She smiles warmly. 
"Good thing, I love me too" He jokes as he rests his hand on her thigh, Nikki gives him 'the look' and he chuckles before kissing her on the lips, "Of course I love you Mrs. Hodgson, couldn't love anyone more than you if I tried" He speaks as he rests his chin on her shoulder and smiles as he inhales her perfume and reminisces on the past seven years with Nikki. 
They finally got what they wanted, to be together, forever...

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