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Nikki heads downstairs and is instantly faced by Matt, "Where are you going?" Matt speaks as he watches Nikki put her shoes on and grab her handbag and coat.
"Crime scene" She speaks.
"I thought you weren't on call?" He asks.
"Yeah, Thomas asked me to fill him in, his daughter is in hospital" She lies as she grabs her car keys and heads out the house.

She leaves the house and climbs into her car and throws her jacket and handbag onto the passenger's seat and starts the ignition. Nikki pulls away from the driveway and heads to Jack's so they can go to the hospital together, completely unaware that Matt is tracking her phone.

Nikki arrives at Jack's and instantly gets out the car, Jack who has been waiting in the entrance to the flats walks out and shuts the door. He walks over to Nikki who instantly runs into his arms, "Jack..." She mumbles as emotion quickly rushes through her body causing her to start crying. "I'm going to lose him, I just know it!" Nikki cries.

Jack wraps his arms around her petite body, "No, don't think like that Nik, he's going to be just fine... not let's go get you checked over" Jack smiles as they pull away and he looks down at her bump, he gently places his hand on her bump and smiles, "He's going to be fine" Jack speaks and steals a kiss from her.

He guides her back over to the car and smiles, "I shall drive" Jack smiles as he takes her keys and allows Nikki to get into the passenger side of the car.

For the entire journey to the hospital, Nikki and Jack sit in silence. Jack parks in the closest available space to the A&E wing of the hospital and they walk in together, as they walk into the waiting room Jack feels Nikki's hand slip into his. He squeezes her hand and turns to her with a small smile as they wait in the queue to be booked in.

As they wait Jack notices out the corner of his eye Nikki stroking her bump with her thumb, his eyes drift up her body to her face, "Nik?" Jack says noticing her crying again.
"Sorry, it's silly isn't it..." She speaks quietly.
"No, don't be silly... it's not, you're going to be fine and so is our wee boy" Jack smiles as he rests his hand on her bump again.

Soon they are booked in and Jack and Nikki sit down in the waiting room, Nikki sits with her head resting against Jack's shoulder. "Do you have any names for him yet?" Jack speaks as he decides to distract Nikki from the matter in hand.
"I have a few in mind" Nikki smiles as she looks down to see Jack gently stroking her bump with his hand.

He looks at her with a smile, "Care to spill?" Jack asks curiously. She smiles and sits up a little and winces, "Are you okay?" He asks and she nods.

"Just got some pain here" She speaks pointing to her lower stomach.
He gently touches where she points to and Nikki winces slightly, "Painful?" he asks and she nods.
"Okay, names... I have a name in mind that I love but I'm keeping that a secret... but Oliver or James... I know they're very basic names but I like them" She smiles.

Jack smirks to himself and then speaks, "Call him Jack... see how long it takes Matt to catch on."

"I think he's already onto us Jack. He's not the same as he used to be... he even asked if I was sleeping with someone else while he's away in Washington" Nikki explains.

"What did you tell him?" Jack quiz's, as he turns to look at her.
"Of course I didn't tell him the truth, he would kill me!" Nikki replies, Jack is just about to reply when a doctor calls Nikki's name and she gathers her handbag and jacket before walking across the waiting room with Jack and to the small consultation room.

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