Car Journey

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Saturday Morning - Nikki jolts awake in bed as she hears someone knocking persistently on the front door downstairs, she groans as she manages to sit herself up and slips her dressing gown on before waddling downstairs. These past few days Nikki could barely walk properly anymore and her walk has gradually become a waddle thanks to the overside baby bump restricting her. 

She grabs the keys and unlocks the front door once she has made it down the stairs, she pulls the front door open and looks at Jack who is stood before her with a smile on his face. "Morning, are you ready?" Jack asks and Nikki raises an eyebrow in confusion. "We're going to Brighton today" He smiles cheerfully as he looks her up and down realizing she's in her pyjamas. 

"But Jack... I'm tired, I have pigs trotters for ankles, I have so much cleaning to do... anyway you should be resting," Nikki speaks as she leans against her door and looks at Jack. 

"Come on Nik, the fresh air will do you and the baby the world of good, and the walking will help your ankles" He smiles as he steps forwards and Nikki sighs reluctantly and allows Jack to come inside, She steps back and holds her bump as Jack steps into the hallway and looks at her with a smile. 

She smiles as she shuts the door and then waddles to the stairs, "I won't be long," Nikki smiles as Jack walks into the lounge and sits on the sofa awaiting Nikki's arrival.

Ten minutes later, Nikki finally returns from upstairs looking more presentable than earlier, "I've just got to lock up and gather my things" Nikki smiles and Jack just chuckles to himself as he watches her waddle around and gets her stuff. 

"Eight weeks today, if I'm correct?" Jack smiles as Nikki finally comes back into the lounge ready to go. 
"Yes, Although I doubt I will make forty weeks the rate I'm going at, Personally I'm suggesting I will get to around thirty-six weeks with him," Nikki explains and Jack nods as he stands and follows her out the house. 

"How are you feeling about the whole labour thing now," He asks. 
"Trying not to think about it, too much... Matt is driving me insane about it now too, he wants me to travel to America in a weeks time so I can have the baby there, But I have told him straight that I am not going anywhere now," She explains as she finishes locking the front door and joins Jack in his car. 

They both put their seatbelts on and Jack starts the car, "Are you okay to be driving?" Nikki asks as she alters her seatbelt slightly so it's sat comfortably on her bump. 
"Yeah, honestly, it doesn't hurt anymore..." Jack smiles as he pulls away from her driveway.

The entire trip to Brighton Nikki and Jack sit chatting about everything and anything that came to mind, Nikki even showed off her singing voice to Jack when her favourite song came on the radio. They aren't far off Brighton when the conversation changes to the baby once again, "So when do you have your antenatal sessions?" Jack questions curiously. 

"I have one on Tuesday morning... you see the thing is Matt was meant to be attending with me as it's now focusing on partners too, erm... and he's... in Washington..." She begins. 
Jack glances at her with a smile, "Of course I will come, anything you need I'm there" Jack smiles and Nikki feels herself blush slightly. 

"Thank you..." Nikki smiles as she rubs her hand in circles over her bump. 
"He's moving again?" He asks. 

Nikki nods and takes a shaky breath as she shifts slightly. "Yeah," She says as she shifts again. "I keep getting Braxton Hicks... sorry" She mumbles says she moves again and Jack glances at her as they pass over her again. 

"Have they gone?" He asks and she nods. "Nearly hear now, hopefully, some walking will help take your mind off it" Jack speaks. 

Nikki smiles and nods, they both soon arrive in Brighton and he finds a parking space in one of the back streets which are close enough for them to walk to the beach and close enough to get back as he knows Nikki will be tired. 

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