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They both walk over to the woman who has called Nikki and head into the room and take a seat.
"Hi I'm Morven Paul, I'm going to be your sonographer today... so I hear this if your twenty weeks scan, how far along are you Nicola?" The sonographer speaks as she jumps straight into the assessment.

"I'm twenty-two weeks pregnant," Nikki smiles as she glances at Jack.

Morven notes down what Nikki has said and then glances back up at the pair, "so I take it this is Husband?" She speaks.

"No, he's my... friend"
"I'm the father but we're not married" they both speak at the same time and both Jack and Nikki look at each other.

Morven just nods and takes a few notes before standing and turning on a machine. "If you'd just like to take a seat on the bed we can begin your scan."

Nikki nods and removes her jacket before standing and walking across to the bed and sitting down. Jack follows her over and takes a seat next to her. "Okay, that's great. Could you lower your trousers to your hips and raise your top to your chest, please" Morven asks and Nikki nods and lowers her leggings and raises her blouse to her chest revealing a very petite bump.

The sonographer puts ultrasound gel on Nikki's stomach and then tucks some tissue paper around Nikki's clothing to protect it from the gel.

Morven then presses the probe down on Nikki's bump and starts to move it around, Jack gently slips his hand into Nikki's and smiles at her.

They both look at the screen as the baby appears on the screen. "There we go, one baby," Morven smiles as she then turns the sound on the listen to the heartbeat. Both parents look at each other in amazement and smile even more. "Someone has a very strong heartbeat" She adds and Nikki wipes away a few tears.
"Would you like to know the gender?" Morven asks the couple and Nikki looks at Jack with a smile.

"I'd love too what about you?" Nikki asks.
Just as Jack is about to reply his phone starts ringing, he pulls it out of his pocket and looks at the caller ID, "Sorry I've got to take this, I'll be back" Jack smiles and kisses Nikki's hand before leaving the room.

Nikki smiles and looks at Morven as the most perfect idea comes to mind, "can I find out quickly, I want to surprise him later. But when he comes back in can you make out like the baby is in an awkward position please" Nikki smiles.

"Of course" Morven speaks and she then proceeds to find out. She presses the probe and moves it around "come on little one let's have a look" she smiles as Nikki watches the screen.

"Here we go" Morven smiles and Nikki smiles as she waits to find out what she's having. "It's a boy!" Morven smiles happily.

"My boy" Nikki mumbles happily as a few tears slip down her cheeks and Morven hands her a tissue. "Thank you" Nikki speaks.

Morven proceeds with her assessments before jack comes back into the room. "Sorry, Clarissa just had lab results back... anyway shall we find out what we are having?" Jack speaks and Nikki nods.

Morven makes out like she's struggling before announcing that the baby is in the wrong position which luckily the baby has rolled so it's back is facing them. She advises them both to rebook privately if they want to find out and proceeds with the assessment. "Okay... baby is slightly on the tiny side for twenty-two weeks. So I'm going to refer you for another scan and blood tests to make sure everything is okay with the baby, but from the assessment, there is nothing to worry about gestational side of things, a very healthy baby" She speaks and Jack and Nikki nod in agreement.

Soon the scan is over and Nikki cleans herself up before they leave the room and back out to the car with her latest scan photo in hand and her gender scan photo hidden in her handbag.

"Ready for work?" Jack asks.
Nikki looks at her watch and shakes her head, "I don't start until eleven, can you drop me in the high street and I'll get the tube to work" Nikki explains.

"What do you need to do?" Jack asks as he puts his seatbelt on.

"Just got to pick up an in-store delivery from Mothercare and get something for my lunch" Nikki replies.
"I can wait for you," Jack smiles and Nikki nods with a smile at Jack's offer.

Nikki and Jack head for the high street and he drops her off before driving to the car park and waiting for her. Nikki heads into Mothercare and requests the order she has ordered into the store but sends the pink version back for a refund as she only wants the blue one for her surprise gender reveal for Jack.

She sorts the refund out the with the cashier and then heads to a shop and finds a cupcake that has a blue centre in it.
She gently strokes her bump as she chooses her food as she feels a new sensation coming from her baby which she thinks could be a kick or a roll.

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