Dinner Date

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Jack and Nikki are now sat in the pizza restaurant close to Jack's flat, They have just ordered their main meal and are now sat chatting with a drink each. Jack takes Nikki's had and holds it from across the table. "How are you feeling now?" Jack smiles as he notices Nikki resting her hand on top of her bump.

"Good, now I'm with you... he's getting active" Nikki smiles as she looks back down at her bump and strokes it again.
"Kicking?" Jack questions.
"No, not so... more of a rolling action, I haven't felt a kick yet though" Nikki smiles, Jack looks at her with a smile and lets go of her hand momentarily and moves his phone from his jean pocket and places it on the table, "I can't wait for you to feel him kicking" She smiles as she grabs hold of his hand again.
"Neither can I" Jack replies.

Nikki sighs and sips more of her drink and watches Jack with a smirk, He runs his thumb over her hand and then looks at her wedding rings, "I wish they were mine..." He begins.
"What do you mean?" Nikki smiles.
"Those rings, I wish you were married to me" He replies and Nikki looks up at him noticing his face flushing pink.

"Oh no, you don't... I'm a nightmare, I practically drive men away...I'm that needy" Nikki speaks softly not making eye contact.
Jack squeezes her and with his eyes on her bump, "No you're not a nightmare, I would marry you in a heartbeat... it's not every day you find a woman as attractive as you" She speaks.

Nikki looks up and rolls her eyes with a laugh at his response, "Oh yeah right... what drugs have you been taking again?"

"No Nik, I mean it... I love you... I can't have you though... anyway what makes you think you drive men away?" He questions.
"I don't know... ask Matt" She laughs trying to avoid any more questions.

Jack sighs and looks at her, "What do you mean ask Matt?"
"Oh, he's always finds something to say, picking flies..." She begins.
"Like what?" Jack asks as she lets go of his hand for a moment and gets her phone from her handbag and rolls her eyes before ignoring the incoming call from Matt.

"The usual, saying I'm not attractive because I'm fat..." She adds.
"You're not fat though, you are just pregnant, and very beautiful at that" He smiles softly as he stands and pulls his jeans up slightly as he heads to the toilet, he walks past Nikki and cups her cheek and kisses her on the lips before walking in direction of the toilets.

She smiles shyly and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before stroking her bump with her free hand, Nikki sits smiling to herself until Jack returns from the toilet, "Hey!" Jack smiles almost making Nikki jump out her skin.

"Shit Jack, don't do that!" She replies as she hits his arm playfully as he steals a kiss from her before sitting down. "You're playing with fire Mr," She smirks.
"Oh, and how is that?" He flirts.
"Kissing me in public" She smiles still flushed from him kissing her before he went to the toilet.
"Can't keep my hands off you" Jack speaks.

Nikki rolls her eyes and glances up to see the waiter walking towards them with food, he stops by the table, "So we have a ham and mushroom pizza?" The waiter smiles and Nikki awkwardly puts her hand up and smiles as he places the pizza in front of her. Jack chuckles and turns his nose up at her pizza.

"What?" She laughs.
"Ham and mushroom... disgusting" He laughs in response.
"Hey... I can't help what your child is wanting" Nikki smiles as she rests her hand protectively on her bump.

Jack chuckles and looks up at the waiter, "And the Pepperoni Pizza with extra cheese for you sir" he says as he places the pizza down in front of Jack, "Is there anything else you require?" The waiter questions the pair.
"Could I get a glass of water, please" Nikki smiles.
"And I will have another coke please" Jack adds to the list with a smirk.

The waiter leaves them to eat and goes to get them more drinks. Jack looks up at Nikki and smiles as he finds himself watching her eat, "Enjoying that?" He chuckles noticing her really enjoying her food.
"Yes... beautiful..." She speaks with her hand to her mouth.
He laughs as he notices she's got the tomato base on her cheek, "You've got a little... just there..." He says trying to show her on his own face but she keeps missing the spot.

Jack stands up and grabs a spare napkin and gently wipes her cheek and winks at her before sitting down, "All sorted now" He smiles.
"Thanks... what would I do without you" She smiles before tucking back into her dinner.

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