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Half an hour later both Jack and Nikki arrive in the offices of the Lyell. "How did it go?" Clarissa speaks up instantly as she notices her colleagues.

"It went really well, little bugger wouldn't let us see the gender" Jack speaks.
"Oh well, you'll have to wait won't you Nikki" Clarissa speaks as Nikki seems a little pre-occupied.
"Hmm, yes" she speaks as she logs onto her computer and places her hand under her bump and strokes her thumb side to side.

"Everything okay Nikki?" Jack asks noticing her starring at the wall behind him. "Nikki?" Jack asks as she isn't snapping out of her daydream. He waves his hand in front of her face and then stands and walks around the desks and crouches by her.

He takes hold on her hand and strokes it. "Nikki? Talk to me?" He asks and she finally snaps out of her daydream and looks down at Jack. "What's going on?" He asks rather worried.

"I think ... I think it's moving" Nikki speaks and Jack instantly places his hand on her bump, "it feels like hiccups or twitching" she speaks.

Jack smiles happily at her and strokes her bump, "someone letting you know they're there" Clarissa speaks up as she watches the pair, she sighs contently as she knows how much their romance is forbidden and in the balance, she sits and wonders if they would ever tell Matt about the baby.

Jack looks at Nikki with a smile and Nikki looks down at him with tears in her eyes. "I can't believe it, it feels that little bit more real now, that I have a tiny human inside me" she speaks softly.
"You're going to be amazing Nik" Jack replies before standing up and squeezing her shoulder and then makes his way to his desk and sits down.

A few minutes later Clarissa leaves the room and Nikki decides to get up and make herself and Jack a drink. She makes them a cup of tea each and then heads over to him with the mugs. She places his down and walks to her bag placing her own mug down at her workspace. She grabs the cupcake from earlier and places it in front of him, "oh thanks... not having one?" Jack asks as he watches her sit back down.

"No, they give me terrible heartburn at the moment" Nikki speaks.
"Is there anything that doesn't give you heartburn recently?" He asks with a smirk.
"Water..." she speaks as she waits for him to eat it.

Jack takes the case from around the cake and looks at Nikki, "what?" He asks as he takes a bite out of it.
"What colour is the centre Jack?" Nikki asks curiously.

He looks at the cake and then up at Nikki, "it's blue?" He speaks slowly unsure of why Nikki is asking.
"Yeah?... and what things do you associate with blue, Jack?" Nikki questions curiously.

He thinks for a moment, "Erm... themes A.F.C," he speaks.

Nikki sighs dramatically and rolls her eyes, "urgh, keep up Jack."

"Erm... the sky?" He adds.
"No! What why would you say that?" She asks.

"Because you said to think of things that you associate with blue" Jack chuckles nervously as he looks at Nikki's facial expression.

"Think Jack!" Nikki laughs as she leans forward and looks at him.

"Erm... I don't know!" He panics under the pressure of Nikki. "You're stressing me out!" He says quickly as he feels Nikki's eyes glaring at him.

Nikki grabs her bag from under the desk and grabs the blue vest she grabs ordered from Mothercare earlier that day. She then throws the vest at Jack and looks at him. "Oh... that's nice" Jack speaks looking at the blue vest with a small owl on it.

"Yes... so? Colour?" She asks.
"Yes it's blue... but we don't know the gender" he speaks and looks at Nikki who raises an eyebrow, "I don't get you Nikki... oh god... oh it's a boy?" He asks and he looks at Nikki who has a grin on her face. "It's a boy! We're having a boy!" Jack speaks as he stands quickly running his hand through his hair.

Nikki laughs with a smile and stands up as Jack walks around to her and throws his arms around her neck and pulls her into a hug.

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