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Nikki is now 15 weeks pregnant, and it's her last day with Matt as he leaves for Washington in the late afternoon. Although Nikki now has a dilemma that she must share with Thomas as suddenly over the weekend Nikki has gained a perfectly noticeable baby bump, She has already dressed herself this morning as has chosen to wear a loose flowing top.

Matt walks into the kitchen after packing his case for Washington, "Morning beautiful" He smiles kissing Nikki on her head as he walks to her sitting at the breakfast bar, he wraps his arms around her stomach and gently strokes her bump. "Where did this come from? I hope it's not twins" He jokes.

Nikki smiles slightly and rests her hand on top of his, "Probably not, just a growth spurt" She smiles.
"God you don't want a big growth spurt or you'll be huge" He smiles and Nikki looks at him in shock, she has no idea if he's joking or actually speaking his mind, either way, it has offended her.

She smiles awkwardly and then as he moves away stands up, she places her phone down on the breakfast bar and heads into the utility to sort out her washing before heading for work. While in the utility Matt grabs Nikki's phone and unlocks it as he knows her password. He glances behind himself to make sure she isn't in the room before he quickly opens up her settings and adds a private tracker to her phone.

He then quits the app and locks her phone again before walking back over to the toaster and taking the toast from it. Nikki walks back in with a small basket full of her freshly dried clothes and places them down by the back door. "What are you doing with that?" Matt speaks as his eyes follow his wife around the room.

"I shall Iron them later, I've got to go to work now" Nikki speaks as she slips into her jacket and grabs her phone.
"Yeah, you better do it later, don't want you turning into a lazy mother before you've even had our baby" He replies making Nikki's blood boil slightly as she hates how controlling he has attempted to be recently.

Nikki smiles as she walks out of the kitchen and grabs her forensic case and handbag before leaving the house and shouting to Matt to say that she loves him and that he must text her as soon as he arrives in Washington. 

Soon Nikki arrives at the Lyell and pulls up in her designated spot next to Thomas and Jack outside of the Lyell. She looks down at her growing bump and runs her thumb across it with a smile on her face, "Hey you, I'm absolutely terrified to tell Thomas about you, I know he will understand but I've kept you my perfect little secret for too long now, only Daddy and Auntie Clarissa know, my sweetie" Nikki smiles as she kisses her fingertips and presses it on her bump.

Nikki climbs out the car and grabs her handbag before locking the car and walking into the Lyell, she scans her ID badge and walks to the lift where she is joined by Jack who has four cups of coffee in a holder from the Cafe.

"Just the person, good weekend?" Jack smiles as he hands her a cup of tea.
"It was lovely to have an extended weekend, although I am glad to be back now" She smiles as she takes the paper cup from Jack.

His eyes follow her hand as they stand in the lift, he watches as she gently runs her hand over her stomach making the blouse flatten against her slightly. "Oh wow, your bump is defiantly growing" He speaks running his hand through his hair.

Nikki smiles slightly and holds her bump and runs her thumb up and down it slightly, "Yes definitely has... erm look, Jack, I've booked my 20 weeks scan-" She begins but is cut off by the lift doors opening at their floor and then the conversation stops.

Jack watches Nikki leave the lift and he follows her out, they enter the offices and Nikki discards of her jacket and handbag before walking over to Thomas's office and knocking the door.

Jack, on the other hand, sits down to see Clarissa watching him and smirking. "What?" He speaks running his hand through his hair.

Meanwhile, Nikki steps into Thomas's office and shuts the door behind her. "What can I do for you, Nikki?" He asks with a friendly smile.

Nikki sits herself down at the desk and takes a breath. "I'm going to need some leave" she speaks.

"How much will you be needing?" Thomas asks sitting forwards as he assumes she's going to America for a while.

"Erm... how do I put this... six to twelve months starting in September" she explains.

Thomas laughs slightly and sits back once again, "what do you mean?" He asks not wanting to give her that much leave. "Was was expecting two to three weeks worth."

She smiles and places her hand on her stomach, "I'm pregnant" she announces.

Thomas's face drops for a moment as he registers what's happening before clearing his throat and looking at the expectant mother. "Oh, well... I assume congratulations are in order" he smiles feeling happy for the younger pathologist.

"Thanks" she smiles.
"How far along are you?" He questions.
"Fifteen weeks and four days" she smiles and Thomas's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Oh, I'm going to need someone much sooner to replace you" he chuckles and Nikki smiles slightly. "I bet Matt is happy" Thomas adds.

Nikki smiles slightly as her eyes flick to the window as she can see Jack, stood talking to Clarissa. "Of course he is" she smiles slightly. After discussing her leave, Nikki returns to the office and gets back down to work.

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