The Entire Packet

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Later that morning, Nikki has arrived at work after she managed to convince Jack she's well enough to be in work, after she proved she could keep a cup of coffee and a slice of toast with Jam on down.

Just before they head into the Lyell Jack catches up with her, he grabs her arm gently and pulls her into a hug, "If you feel any worse today, go home... we can cope" he mumbles as he plants a kiss against her rather clammy forehead.

Nikki rolls her eyes at him and kisses his cheek as secretively as she can be. They pull away and Nikki scans her ID badge On the door of the Lyell and lets herself and Jack in.

She walks over to her desk and instantly sits down and grabs the bottle of water from her handbag and then reaches into her bag to get a couple of paracetamol to help the headache and hopefully subside her shaking too.

As she necks the paracetamol and the water Clarissa enters the room from the labs, "heavy night again Nikki?... making a habit of it aren't you" Clarissa smirks as she moves her wheelchair back to her desk.

Jack looks across at Clarissa and shakes his head, "No, Clarissa... surprisingly Dr. Alexander didn't even touch a drop of alcohol... she has a stomach bug" Jack announces.

"Why are you in Nikki!" Clarissa protests.
"Because the police briefing is today and it's my case!" Nikki mumbles as she continues to take gentle sips of her water before putting the lid back on it and placing it down on the table.

Nikki looks up to see Jack and Clarissa both looking at her, "when was you last sick?" Jack asks trying to make it sound like he wasn't with her for the whole night as Clarissa is onto him.

"Erm... around four this morning" she speaks quietly before standing and walking over to Thomas's office and goes to talk to him about the briefing.

Clarissa looks at Jack and stares at him, "what?" Jack speaks feeling slightly paranoid.
"Oh, it's nothing... just thinking" Clarissa speaks and Jack gives her a confused look before he heads off into the lab.

Soon Nikki comes out from Thomas's office and still looks incredible pale. "You should go home..." Clarissa speaks up watching the female pathologist walk to the kitchen area and boil the kettle.

Clarissa watches carefully as she opens the coffee pot but pulls a face and then puts it down and grabs the tea. Nikki grabs a mug and puts the tea bag in the cup before grabbing the milk.
And like usual Nikki sniffs the milk to make sure it's not gone sour. Instantly Nikki turns her nose up at it and puts the lid back on it and puts it in the refrigerator.

"You know Nikki, if the milk is off you put it in the bin..." Clarissa speaks.
"It's not off i just don't want any..." Nikki admits.
"What? So why did you pull a face?" Clarissa questions curiously.
"I didn't" Nikki smiles and pours the boiling water into her mug before setting the kettle back down.

Nikki walks over to her desk and sits down for a while and continues to do paper work, while Clarissa makes an attempt at working but finds herself thinking about Nikki.

After a while Clarissa comes over to Nikki's side and sits looking at her. "How are you feeling now?" She smirks as she puts her coffee down on the table that she has just made, she watches as Nikki pulls a face and moves her hand to her nose.

"Alright," she speaks as she swallows heavily.
"What's wrong Nikki? Would you like a coffee?" She questions and Nikki shakes her head. "What? You never turn down coffee... you're not... are you?" Clarissa speaks.

Nikki instantly turns to look at Clarissa in shock. She couldn't believe Clarissa would suggest she's pregnant. "Don't be silly! It's a stomach bug... any smell is making me feel sick" Nikki replies with a smile.

"Oh really? And why did you eat that entire packet of jammy dodgers to yourself?" Clarissa speaks as she looks at the empty jacket on Nikki's desk.

"I was hungry, I've starved myself since last night, and I've kept it down" She explains.
"Well Jack told me you had breakfast too today" Clarissa replies and Nikki freezes before noticing the police walking into the Lyell.

Nikki walks off towards the meeting room with the police officers. Clarissa watches her walk away and shakes her head with a smirk.

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