Between the Sheets

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Nikki lays cuddles up to Jack under his duvet and sheets, She sighs as she gently draws her finger over his chest, Jack looks down at Nikki and smiles as he moves his hand over her bare-back. Nikki sits herself up and reaches across Jack for her top but he grabs her wrist and pushes her back down into the bed. He rolls onto his side and admires her as her hair falls naturally around her face. He leans forwards and kisses her lips, "Don't you dare get dressed, you're beautiful just the way you are" He smiles sensing a little bit of guilt on Nikki's side. 

She just smiles and silently looks up at him with a smirk. He admires her some more and runs his hand over her bump, "I love you" He smiles as he leans forwards and kisses her again. 

Nikki shifts slightly and kisses him back, "I love you too-" She starts but is cut off when they hear the doorbell. Jack kisses her one last time and climbs out of bed and walks across the bedroom completely butt naked and grabs a pair of boxers and puts them on before walking out the bedroom and across the flat to the buzzer and camera. 

She lies there on the bed absent-mindedly looking up at the ceiling when Jack comes back into the room looking panicked. "Nik, get dressed... Matt is here!" He speaks and Nikki instantly bolts out of bed and dresses quickly. 

Jack also slips his jeans, socks, and t-shirt on before walking to the front door awaiting Matt who has entered the block. Nikki soon comes into the kitchen come lounge area and sits on the sofa, Jack quickly grabs some work and his laptop before passing it to Nikki who instantly turns the laptop on and spreads the worksheets around. 

He walks to the front door and lets Matt in, "Hi, come on in" Jack smiles opening the front door to Matt. 

Matt instantly walks into the flat and looks across at Nikki who is sat on the sofa with her back to him looking down at a laptop. "Nikki?" Matt speaks.
Nikki turns around and looks at Matt, "Oh hi Matt, how come you're here?" She questions.

"I could ask you the same question" He speaks. 
Nikki looks at Matt as she turns and looks at Jack also, "Oh Matt, you see Nikki had a funny turn at the crime scene, went all dizzy so I drove her back here, she's had something to drink and a snack, personally I think her blood sugar dropped" Jack lies as Nikki relaxes hoping Matt would believe them. 

Matt looks at the pair and raises an eyebrow, "Yeah I missed lunch... silly of me really" Nikki smiles back. 
"Well we better get you home, will you be okay to drive?" Matt asks and she nods. 

Nikki stands up as she feels Matt glaring at her, "Are you alright Nikki?" Jack asks as she gathers her things. 
"Yeah, I will text you about the case later" She smiles as she seems quieter than usual now. 
"No, She won't, you can leave work until another day," Matt responds and Jack looks at him in shock wondering if he was in fact onto their little secret or not. 

Matt guides Nikki out of flat and leaves without saying a word to Jack, he is unsure whether Matt is just generally worried about Nikki and is focused on her or he is, in fact, giving Jack the cold shoulder through some form of jealousy. 

Meanwhile, Nikki has just gotten into her own car with Matt, "I never want you to be with him alone again..." Matt speaks as he slams the passenger door shut making Nikki jump. 

"Why? he's my friend Matt!" Nikki speaks softly as she puts the keys in the ignition. 
"I just don't like the idea of you two being around him" he speaks as he looks down at her bump. Nikki rolls her eyes and pulls away. 

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