In the Dead of Night

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Nikki had paced the bedroom for the past half hour with the window wide open, she had been having pains since 4 pm earlier that day. It's not 12:14 am and the pains showed no sign of subsiding. In a way, she believed these twinges were getting worse.

Nikki sits herself down on the bed and runs her hand over her bump, she grabs her phone and looks at the time before unlocking the phone and seeing if Jack was online on any of the social media's.
She quickly dropped him a WhatsApp message saying 'are you awake' but there wasn't a reply.
She had another two weeks left until her due date but things felt different and that she may end up giving birth soon, she tries not to panic herself too much over the idea of giving birth but she had packed her hospital bag earlier that day just in case, and it's now sat at the front door ready to go.

Nikki gets up off the bed again and paces the bedroom again, waiting for Jack to hopefully text her back. Two minutes later she gives up and grabs her phone and unlocks it before pressing Jack's number and selecting to call him. She paces the room holding her bump. Suddenly Jack answers "Nikki?" He mumbles half asleep."Jack... thank god" she speaks."Nikki what's wrong, it's 2 am!" He mumbles.
"...I... think... it's happening" Nikki replies. She hears Jack groan and move clearly sitting himself up in bed.
"Nikki are you sure it's not indigestion, like last week?" Jack speaks tiredly.
"No! I think this is real Jack!" She pants nervously.
"Nikki, don't be so silly, you're not due for another two weeks!" He speaks.

Nikki goes silent for a moment and Jack sits waiting for a reply from her, "Jack, please I think this is real!" Nikki puffs trying to stop herself from cry and she's so tired but the pains are stopping her from sleeping.
"Go make yourself a drink, and then get yourself down to sleep Nikki" Jack responds as he yawns. Nikki goes silent and Jack moves his phone away from his ear to check he's still on call to her. "Nik?" Jack questions.He hears her faintly breathing in the background and thinks to himself. "Nikki... speak to me?" Jack speaks.Nikki suddenly snaps out of her daydream,
"Jack... it's really happening!" She speaks as moments earlier she felt a gush of water.

"Nikki... I'm tired-" He begins.
"No Jack... my waters have just broke!" She speaks her voice sounding shaky. "
"Shit..." He mumbles. 

There is a pause between them and Nikki groans, "Jack? are you coming?" She speaks. 
"Oh right... yeah... do you need me now?" Jack speaks nervously. 
"Erm... well that would be useful unless you want to play catch later?" Nikki snaps. 
"Okay... let's go now, I'm coming for you!" He speaks as he ends the call and leaves Nikki to get herself dry and ready.

Ten minutes later Jack gets to Nikki's and grabs the spare key which is hidden in the plant pot and opens the door before going into the house and calling out to Nikki, He hears movement from upstairs and shuts the door, he looks down to see Nikki's hospital bag and takes a mental note that she will need that before heading upstairs. 

He gently pushes the bedroom door open to see Nikki sat on the bed with a bath towel underneath herself. "Jack... thank fuck!" She speaks. 
"Hey... let's get you to a hospital" Jack smiles nervously at her.

He walks over to her and notices that Nikki has mopped up something and he realizes it was her waters from earlier.  As he goes to help her up Nikki has a contraction which rips through her body causing her to cry out

She reaches out for Jack who unknowingly takes her hand, she squeezes it hard and throws her head back in pain. Jack's eyes widen as she begins to squeeze his hand tightly. Her contractions pass and she looks up at Jack before standing herself up, "It's okay... they're ten minutes apart" Nikki speaks as she begins to walk towards her bedroom door. 

"Okay..." He mumbles nervously. 

Nikki gets herself down the stairs as Jack supports her from behind, they get to the bottom of the stairs and then grabs her hospital bag before helping her out the house and into his car. "Have you called Matt?" He asks. 
"No... I don't want him there!" Nikki breathes unevenly. 
"Nik... you need to call him, I know it's nuts but call him to tell him what is happening" Jack speaks his heart sinking although as much as he doesn't want Matt present he knows he's got to make things seem normal to Matt. 

Jack begins to drive Nikki to hospital and manages to convince her to ring Matt to tell him what is happening, although his response to Nikki was a little half-hearted as he told her he couldn't get out the meeting for another hour or two. Although it was half two in the morning Matt was working on a high profiled event that was taking place throughout the night. 

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