Flowers & Chocolate

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Two days later, Nikki arrives home to a familiar face sitting in her kitchen with a cup of coffee in hand. "Matt?" Nikki smiles slightly surprised to see her husband so early as she was expecting him to arrive later in the night.

"Surprise" Matt smiles as he stands from the kitchen table and walks over to her. He pulls her into a loving hug and kisses her cheek softly.

"What are you doing here?" Nikki speaks.
"Visiting my wife, and surprising her with some flowers and chocolate" Matt smiles as they pull away from the hug. He looks down at Nikki's petite bump and runs his hand over it. "Hey you" he smiles happily, this instantly breaks Nikki's heart knowing that baby isn't Matt's at all and she'll need to break it to him soon.

Nikki laughs a little before making her way over to the kettle and flicking it on. "So how is the baby?" Matt Questions.

"He's good," Nikki smiles as she grabs a mug.
"He? But we agreed we weren't going to find out the gender!" Matt snaps.

Nikki freezes and looks at him. "No, no... just gut instinct" she giggles and proceeds to carry on making her cup of tea.

Matt watches Nikki with a smile as she moves around the kitchen, "So what have you been up to while I've been in Washington?" Matt questions. 

"Not a lot, working, sleeping, eating" She replies as she pours the boiling water into a mug and places the kettle down.

Matt sits and watches Nikki a little bit more, "You know something, Nikki? it amazes me how we got pregnant" He speaks.
"Why would you think that? it's just human nature" Nikki replies curiously.
"You know about my low sperm count..." Matt speaks. 

Nikki freezes as she sits down and smiles to herself, "Yeah, of course, I remember" She laughs awkwardly as, in fact, she has completely forgotten. 
Nikki sips her cup of coffee and looks at Matt, "I'm overthinking things, it just seems weird that you got pregnant first time" He explains his feelings. 

"You are defiantly overthinking, some things are just meant to be" She smiles as she gets up and walks around the table to him and wraps her arms around his shoulder and rests her chin on his head. 

"I guess you're right, I guess somethings are just pure miracles" He smiles as he places his hand on her arms. "I love you..." He mumbles but Nikki doesn't reply, "...I said I love you" He speaks again. 

Nikki stands up and moves away from him and back around the kitchen table, "Yeah, same" she replies seeming a little preoccupied. 
"What's the matter, Nikki? found a better man to sleep with while I've been in Washington?" He jokes. 

She freezes but replies instantly as she knows he'll get suspicious. "No, that's insane... why would you even think that Matt?" Nikki questions defensively.

"You've been hanging around with that Jack from work again..." He speaks. 
"...Jack is my friend Matt, He's just got my back okay. Anyway, I need to tell you that... he's my emergency birthing partner, just in case you're in America when it happens" She speaks. 

Suddenly Matt explodes at her with anger, he stands up and slams his hands down on the table making her jump, "Why would you assume I wouldn't be around for the birth," He snaps. 

"Matt, you're in America for most the year, I see you what for three maybe five days tops a month, anyway a flight from America is over seven hours... it could be over by then!" She defends.

"But won't you be in Washington with me by then?" He speaks.
"What no! I've it all planned to have him in the UK!" Nikki responds.
"Here you go again calling the baby 'him', next you'll be telling me you went against my wishes and found out the gender!" Matt says in an aggressive tone. 

"And what if I did Matt? I'm the one having to carry this baby around for nine months! Don't you think I deserve to know something? oh yes, and Jack came to the scan with me because of the bleeding and because He's my best friend!" She shouts back. 

Matt looks at her stunned, "You're having a boy?" He stutters and she nods, "Wait... Jack came with you? I can't get my head around you two, you have a male best friend... not a female? he probably wants to get into your knickers... you need to cancel your plans over here, hand your notice in at work and come back with me to Washington so I can keep an eye on you!" 

Nikki looks at him completely horrified, "No! I'm not your puppet neither am I your object, I'm staying here... end of argument!" She spits as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Get back here Nikki, I'm not finished with you!" He shouts but it's too later Nikki has slammed the door and he hears her footsteps head upstairs and to the bathroom. 

Meanwhile, Nikki decides to freshen herself up in the bathroom as he has gotten worked up by the argument, Nikki quickly goes to the toilet, as she sits down on the toilet she notices something is wrong when she notices tiny droplets of blood in her knickers, emotion completely washes over her and she panics as she gets off the toilet a grabs her phone off the shelf and calls for Jack. 

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