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An hour later Jack and Nikki are lay on the floor of the Lyell with throw blanket off the sofa, he places his arm around her sweaty body. Nikki lies there with her head resting against his chest. Jack gently moves her hair from her face and smiles down at her. There is no shame just pure happiness, seven years of pent up frustration had finally gone.

"Woah..." is all Jack manages to speak.
Nikki lies against his chest with the throw draped against them.
"That was amazing" Nikki mutters with shame in her voice.

During their workout Nikki's jealous side had come out, seven years of different women jumping into bed with Jack for a one night stand, nothing ever serious, seven years of it not being Nikki in his bed.
Her jealous side had come out, all those woman that weren't her, Nikki had ended up imprinting her teeth into his shoulder and scratching her nails down his back, not that Jack minded one bit.

Nikki's phone soon starts to buzz and ring, bringing the pair back into the world and out of their day dream.
She sits up and researches for her phone, Jack strokes Nikki's back as she researches for her phone, "Matt..." Nikki speaks her voice breaking.
"Happy New Year Nikki, I hear it's just gone new year over in the UK," He replies and Nikki is swamped with guilt as she looks across at Jack.

"Erm... yeah, sorry I've been very busy. I didn't notice the time" she replies as she reaches for her blouse and bra which have been discarded the other side of the room by the sink.

"Hey Nikki, this year will be our year, we're getting married in two days, and we could be parents within the year" He speaks his voice full of hope for them both.

Nikki thinks to herself for a moment, "Erm Yeah..." she mumbles.

"Nikki? What's wrong?" Matt replies.
"Nothing I'm busy, I've got some post-mortems to get on with" Nikki answers as she looks at Jack who is now getting dressed leaving her on the floor with just a throw to hide her modesty.

"Okay, I shall speak to you tomorrow. I love you" Matt speaks.
"Yeah see you tomorrow," Nikki speaks and ends the call before getting up and grabbing her underwear and dressing herself.

Jack stands looking at her, now his bottom half dressed. "Woah... talk about cold shoulder" Jack smirks.

"Not now Jack" she speaks as she pulls her blouse on and begins to button it up, Jack walks over to her and smiles at her.
"What's going on in your pretty little head" he speaks as he gently takes hold of her waist and spins her around.

Nikki just looks at him and then pulls him closers and starts kissing him passionately. Jack pushes her away and looks at her, "Jack?" Nikki speaks looking at him as he holds her at arms length.

"This is wrong, you're getting married" Jack speaks and she snatched her hands away.
"Jack... I love you," she speaks and attempts to kiss him again.
"No Nikki, this isn't right, you need to be with Matt... he's perfect for you" Jack speaks starting to regret having sex with her at work.

"Jack... I love you, more than anything Jack, please... I'd pick you over Matt any day," She explains.

"Nikki, this is insane, you're insane!" Jack speaks as he grabs her shoulders and shakes her.

Nikki looks at him, tears forming in her eyes, "Why would I throw myself at you like that? Let you have sex with me? Let you do things to me I wouldn't even let Matt do!" Nikki speaks wiping the stray tear from her eye.

"Why, why? Why do this to me? You're getting married to Matt in two days, this is totally nuts. I love you too, but I'm not coming between you and Matt" Jack speaks as he moves away and grabs his top and pulls it on before leaving the room.

Nikki watches him leave the room and then grabs the rest of her clothes and get dressed.

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