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Nikki is now thirty-one weeks pregnant and Thomas has just broken the news to her that he is putting her on light duties and admin until she goes on Maternity leave as he has now found out finally about her pre-eclampsia. Nikki marches out of Thomas's office and heads straight for Jack, "You told him! You told him..." She yells as she smacks him around the head from his seated and defenseless position. 

Jack jolts in his chair and turns to look at a very distressed Nikki, he stands up and holds her wrists, "Nikki calm down... I had to tell him, you can barely do anything anymore," Jack speaks as Nikki snatches her hands away and runs her hand over her bump, "Look you're even getting fake contractions aren't you?" He asks. 

Nikki rolls her eyes, "You wouldn't know the first thing about what my body is going through right now... You're such an arsehole, I can't believe you told Thomas!" Nikki shouts again as she starts to pace the room. 

"Nik-" He begins. 
"Don't call me that!" She hisses. 
"Nikki, please you're doing yourself and the baby no good, please just calm down..." Jack speaks in a raised tone as he attempts to her through to the overly hormonal mother-to-be. 

Jack looks across at Thomas who has stepped out of his office to keep an eye on what is going on, "You're such an idiot Jack, don't talk to me!" She snaps as she grabs her phone and purse and storms off out of the offices. 

"Woah..." Jack mumbles as he runs his hand through his hair and looks down at the floor a little unsure of what to do.
"Go after her Jack... stressing her out isn't going to make her situation any better" Thomas speaks a little concerned for his heavily pregnant work colleague. 

Jack grabs his jacket, phone, and wallet before walking out of the offices in search of Nikki, He finds Nikki sat in the stairwell on a step with her head resting in her hands. Jack walks through into the stairwell and sits himself down beside Nikki, "Hey," He speaks as he sits down and they gently bump shoulders. 

He gets no response from Nikki who just continues to sit with her head in her hands, "Want to talk about anything?" He adds trying to get at least something from her. Jack hesitates slightly before placing his hand on her back gently, he smiles at her as he feels her chest rise and fall. 

Eventually, Nikki sits up and Jack pulls her into his side, "What are you up to this weekend?" Jack questions. 
"Nothing really, baby stuff as usual... washing, putting away and getting the last few bits for him" Nikki speaks as she glances up at Jack. 
"Fancy a day at the beach?" Jack suggests. 

Nikki laughs awkwardly and raises an eyebrow, "Why would I want to do that?" She quizzes. 
"Ah you know, your last chance to be human for a while" Jack speaks as he takes hold of her hand and squeezes it. 
"Okay... don't make it sound like I'm going to prison, I just having a baby" She speaks. 

"Brighton? Fish and Chips on the beach... might even treat you to ice cream" He chuckles as he looks down at her large bump and smiles, he feels a sudden urge to place his hand on her bump, he gently lets go of her hand and slips his hand to her bump. 

Nikki smiles as she allows Jack to touch her bump, "He likes the idea of ice cream" She giggles as she grabs Jack's hand and guides his hand, "Feel that?" Nikki smiles as she pulls her blouse up so her camisole top is on show, "He will stretch it a minute, running out of room big time now" She smiles as she watches Jack's reaction as her bump moves slightly as the outline of a hand pushes upwards slightly before disappearing. 

"What time is Matt calling you?" Jack asks as he moves his hand away from her. 
"He said midnight..." She speaks. 
"His midnight or our midnight?" He adds. 

Nikki just shrugs and rolls her blouse back down, "I'm sorry for snapping at you Jack" Nikki apologizes.
"Don't worry about it, it's not the first time you've snapped at me these past few months" Jack chuckles before standing up and holding his hand out to her. Nikki shuffles to the edge of the step before grabbing hold of his hand and standing up. 

They both soon arrive back in the offices and Nikki sits back down, "Right I'm off on a cafe run, anyone wants anything?" Jack speaks as he grabs his jacket and puts it on. Clarissa, Thomas, and Nikki all give their orders to him before he leaves the building and leaves the three to work. 

Around ten minutes later Nikki notices Thomas standing in his office peering out the window, She raises an eyebrow and steps forwards as she faintly hears the sound of ambulance sirens, "What's going on?" Nikki questions as she steps into Thomas's office holding her bump.

"I'm not sure," Thomas speaks as he watches police cars arrive outside the Lyell, He turns and grabs the phone on his desk and rings reception to ask what is happening. 

Nikki on the other hand, pulls out her phone and calls Jack to let him know something is going on, "Hey Jack... wait... who is this... what?" Nikki speaks as she looks up at Thomas, Thomas looks at Nikki as the colour drains from her face. "Jack's been stabbed," Nikki says slowly, her heart plummeting. 

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