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Around forty-five minutes into the meeting one of the Chief inspectors PA's brings a selection of sandwiches and crisps into the room as the meeting it taking place over lunch. Since the meeting has started Jack joins them and delivers the forensic evidence he currently has for the case and Nikki gives her debrief on the post-mortem on both her victims.

Nikki has been feeling fine until the sandwiches were opened and she started to feel rather nauseous, she refuses the sandwiches and sticks to her glass of water.

She starts to zone out and stares at the wall straight past Jack as she starts to think she could possibly be pregnant as she's never usually off her coffee like this.

Jack looks at her and watches as the colour slowly drains from her face again, "Dr. Alexander, do you want to step outside for a moment and get some air?" Jack asks as she snaps back into the room.

She shakes her head and clears her throat as she looks down at the table to see the sandwiches and crisps. She puts her hand to her mouth as she's suddenly overwhelmed by the sudden urge to vomit.

"Excuse me a minute" she manages to say before standing abruptly and dashing out the meeting room with her hand against her mouth.

Jack watches her leave quickly but he can't leave due to being in the meeting and he doesn't want to raise Thomas's suspicions. He quickly gets his phone out and texts Clarissa who is sat in the offices working, he tells her to find Nikki and check on her.

As Clarissa receives the message she heads to see where Nikki is and finds her in the corridor. Unfortunately she didn't make it to the toilet and ended up being sick on the floor in the corridor.
"Nikki are you okay?" Clarissa asks curiously as she approaches Nikki.

Nikki sniffles and shakes her head as she leans against the wall. "I feel awful. I just feel so on edge, so nauseous, certain smells make me sick, I'm exhausted all I want to do is sleep" Nikki begins and wells up even more as a few tears slip down her face.

"Oh Nikki" Clarissa sighs sympathetically.
"And my fucking breasts hurt me all the time... the list goes on...." she begins as she cries even more.

Clarissa sighs and watches Nikki as she starts to get herself into a worked up state. "Oh dear, either you're due on, very hormonal or pregnant" Clarissa speaks.

"I haven't had my period yet... I was due on last-" she begins but stops. "Oh fuck I'm pregnant aren't I" Nikki speaks in a very emotional state.

Nikki looks down at her sick on the floor and cries even more, "I need to clean that up" she cries.

"Hey, look I will get a cleaner... things like this happen, now we're going to the staff room for a lovely cup of tea and a chat... oh no arguing I'm going to the shop to get you a test!" Clarissa speaks.

Nikki nods in defeat and follows Clarissa to the staff room where she makes herself a cup of coffee and lies herself down on the sofa to get some sleep.

Clarissa on the other hand heads out on her allotted lunch break and purchases Nikki a pregnancy test from Superdrug down the road.

On arrival she enters the staff room where Nikki is sat with her cup of tea. She enters and places it down on the table and smiles at her. "Here, I shall let you get on with that" she smiles.

"How much do I owe you..." Nikki speaks as she notices it's a twin pack of clear blue pregnancy tests.

"Nothing, take the test Nikki!" Clarissa demands and Nikki nods.

Clarissa leaves the staff room and Nikki sits in silence just starring at the box wondering if she should take it or not.

She sits forwards and takes a deep breath but just as she does that Jack walks into the staff room and stops dead as he sees Nikki with red swollen eyes and red cheeks from crying. He then looks down to see the unopened pregnancy tests in front of her.

Panic instantly sets in for Jack as he looks at her then down at the tests again. "Oh... is that what I think it is?... are you? Oh... Nikki?" Jack stutters, his Irish accent more noticeable than ever.

"I'm not sure" Nikki replies weakly as she grabs the pregnancy test and holds it away from him.
"So you haven't taken it?" He asks and she shakes her head as a response. "Is it mine?" He mumbles.

"I don't know... I've fucked this one up big time Jack..." Nikki speaks as she bites her lip to stop herself from breaking down.

"How have you?" Jack asks as he walks over to her and sits down beside her.
"I'm married..." she sighs.
"And?" Jack asks.
"What if it is your baby and not Matt's?" She panics knowing full well it's a possibility.

Jack places his arm around her petite body offering her some support. "I'm sure it's Matt's baby. We were safe" Jack smiles hoping to put Nikki's mid at rest when a sudden realisation kicks in, Jack goes silent which worries Nikki.

"Jack?" She asks.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck... the condom split that once..." he speaks and Nikki springs to her feet.
"What!" She exclaims. "Why did you tell me!" Nikki worries waving her arms around attempting to prove her point.

Jack remains calm and looks at her, "Nikki, just take the test" he speaks softly.

Nikki looks at the box in her hands and sighs before nodding and walking out the staffroom to the toilets to take the test.

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