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Thirty-six days later - Nikki has just arrived back from her honeymoon. Today is her first day back since her wedding day. She walks into the Lyell a couple of minutes early for her shift."Well well Well, the wanderer returns, don't you look lovely and tanned, almost glowing" Clarissa smiles as she gives her colleague a warm welcome back.

"Thanks, it was lovely" she sighs sitting down at her desk.
"Oh, dear? Holiday blues?" Clarissa speaks leanings forward.
"Could say that..." she speaks as her mind wanders off noticing that Jack hasn't arrived for his shift yet. "Where is Jack?" She speaks.

Nikki looks across at Clarissa who is now looking at her computer screen. "Doctors appointment he will be in soon" Clarissa speaks. Before Nikki has time to speak to Jack she is called into a Postmortem, stepping in for Thomas.

An hour later Nikki is walking down the corridor and noticed Jack sat in the lab working on something related to a case. She watches him through the blinds for a second before walking into the lab and smiling at him. "Hi" Nikki smiles as she slips into the empty lab.

Jack looks up from his work and across at her and gives her a smile of acknowledgment, "good honeymoon?" Jack says as he looks back down at his work.

"It was okay..." she speaks.
"Lovesick aren't you, how's Matt?" Jack asks slightly jealous of her marrying Matt.

"Good I guess? I don't think I should call it a honeymoon. He flew back to America three days into the honeymoon, came back on my 10th Day there... then at the end of our honeymoon, I flew back to England... alone" she explains as she stands in front of the table and rests her hands on the table.

Jack just nods trying to ignore her I'm stood before him. "Sounds like you had fun" he speaks.
"Hmm... are you Jealous?" Nikki questions as she walks around the table so she's standing beside him.

"No... what happened on New Year's Eve... didn't happen, it was a mistake, stupid and completely wrong" Jack speaks awkwardly as he places the recovered prints in another bag ready to be put through the database.

Nikki rolls her eyes and hugs him from behind. She feels him tense and then he gently removes her arms from around his neck and stands up. "Please, this can't go on, you're married now" Jack breathes unevenly as she smiles in a way that makes his heart flutter.

"He won't know anything, Jack. I regret marrying him... for all I know he's got someone else in America while he's working..." she explains.
"Then why marry him?" Jack asks curiously.

Nikki looks down at the floor and shrugs her shoulders. Jack watches Nikki as she continues to look down at the floor, "he's my last chance at a family," she mumbles.

"What do you mean Nikki?" Jack asks as he steps forward.
She breathes slightly and shakes her head not wanting to admit what she wants more than anything. "Nikki? What do you mean?" He speaks.

"The last chance of me getting pregnant. I'm not getting any younger" she explains and Jack shakes his head.
"So you married him... to?... to use him as a ...sperm donor?" Jack replies.
She nods with shame written across her face, "couldn't you just use IVF? Instead of what... milking him... like a pedigree puppet?" He speaks noticing Nikki not even making eye contact.

Jack stands his body towering her, he then looks down at her and pulls her into a friendly hug, "Nikki, Nikki, Nikki..." he sighs and hugs her more.

Nikki relaxes into Jack and inhales his amazing aftershave. "Did you miss me?" Nikki asks curiously looking up at him with a smile.

"Of course, quiet around here without you?" Jack replies with a smirk.
Nikki smiles as she pulls away from the hug but not too far that she's standing away from him. She tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear and then smiles. 

Nikki smiles again and runs her hand down his chest before resting her hand at the buttons to his jeans. "What did you miss more? Me in general or the sex?" She smirks.

"Nikki..." he breathes unevenly while glancing down to see where her hand is resting.
"Answer me" she replies.
"You're evil, you are married! Now Nikki!" Jack panics pushing her hand away.
"So?" Nikki smirks.
"Don't do this Nikki, you'll make things worse" He speaks.
"No jack, I'm allowed a bit on the side, anyway I won't see my husband, will I? He'll always be in America, and I'll need someone to keep me company" she smirks cashing Jack to give in to her beautiful charm and her way with words.

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