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Today was when I was meeting with Kakuzu for my auction pitch. I was trying to figure out how I was going cover up not needing a ride this afternoon, well, I could get a ride home, but then I'd leave about 6:30, so I still had to find a cover. I groaned as I walked to my closet.

Obito has woken up at some point and left, his side of the bed was still warm though. I took a long shower, loving the feel of the hot water gliding down my skin. A soft moan left my lips as I relaxed.

"Morning, beautiful." I jumped slightly as I looked through the glass, my back facing Obito. "I went home to change and came back to wake you up." He smirked, standing in the doorway.

"I'll be out in a minute." I began rinsing my hair.

"I'll go make some coffee." I yelled a 'kay' as he walked away.

I finished my shower and wrapped my robe around me from last night. My mind lingered on the feeling of being held in Obito's arms like that. I shook my head before the thoughts could even be thought. I decided to try and wear pants again today. Slick black, straight leg pants and deep blue blouse that fit nicely. I had blue, peekaboo heels that matched too. Light make up as usual and I dried my hair, sweeping it off to one side.

"I think I made it right." Obito joked as he handed me my cup of coffee.

I took a sip, "Almost. It'll work though." I smiled as I sat next him at the island. "Where's Shisui?"

"Not talking to me. I don't know about you."

"Makes sense." I shrugged. "I was just tired of her back and forth. Leading them both on like that. How long has it been going on?"

"Over six months."

"They've put up with it for that long?"


"That seems crazy to me. I don't know that I could do that. Be on their side of it, I mean."

"But you could do what she's doing?"

"I really don't think so. I guess if you're truly in love with two people, then it might be different. But it just seems unfair to all three of them. What if there's someone else out there for Shisui? Or Itachi? Or Izumi even?"

"You have a point." He mumbled. Rin. Shit. Can I even apologize?

"Is there something wrong?"

"Nah. Just made me remember someone from a long time ago. She did the same thing."


"Her name was Rin. She-she was perfect. She picked him though. Then," he gave a dry laugh, "She moved away and left him behind."

"Wow. That's- I'm sorry, Bito."

"Hey, it was years ago, nothing to be sorry for."

I could tell he was still hurt by it, but I dropped the subject. "Thank you for last night."

Obito put our mugs in the sink and walked to me. I stood as he reached me, peering up at him. He held my face and his eyes looked directly into mine. He leaned in as I pushed myself up, our lips brushed one another.

"I'll always be here, beautiful." He mumbled just before he pushed his lips to mine fully.

Things were becoming heated before there was a knock at my door. Obito grumbled as he pulled away. I gave him a soft smile and walked to the door.

"Good morning, Itachi." I spoke happily.

Itachi gave me a small smile, then it fell when his cousin appeared at my back. "I was coming to see if you needed a ride to work." Itachi brought his eyes back to me.

The Uchiha Corp (Modern Naruto: Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now