I Love You

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Either from pure exhaustion or from the sedative finally hitting her, Y/n finally fell asleep. It was the early morning hours and she stirred slightly, eyes blinking to get the sleep out of them. She glanced around the dim room, finding a sleeping male in the lounger close to the bed. She looked at her arm and found her IV was capped, so she slipped from the bed, legs shaking slightly as she hobbled to the dark-haired man.

"Why is he still here?" She mumbled as she closed the distance between them.

She brushed her fingers through his soft, raven locks and smiled as he stirred slightly. She wanted nothing more than to lay with him, but she wasn't sure how it would work, nor how it would look to others. She scanned the room for a clock and found it was three in the morning. Y/n let a sigh out and pulled her hand away from the man, only for him to lift his hand to hers and hold her still.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She spoke softly.

He blinked a few times, making sure he wasn't imagining her before him, "Do you need something? You should be resting." He was exhausted, unsure of when he finally fell asleep.

"You." She said, her mouth answering before her brain could form a proper answer. He arched a brow and she cut her eyes away. "I want to lay with you." She finally said.

He tugged on her hand lightly and guided her to his chest, the lounger spacious enough for them both if she was on her side. Obito made sure her IV hand was free and she was tucked in beside him. Y/n sighed as she finally relaxed into him, feeling the weight of the world come off of her shoulders.

"Earlier," he paused, unsure if he really wanted to know, "at the penthouse, you were dreaming of something. What was it?"

"I- well..." she sighed, "Madara was punishing us." She finally answered.

"What do you mean?" He tilted her chin upwards, making those e/c eyes look at him. "We're alone, no cameras, no mics, and I left my phone in my car when Itachi and Kisame drove it up. It's just you and me, Asami." He wanted her to be herself for once, not hold anything back.

"He was sending you out of the country, for good." She answered. "I don't want to lose you." She whispered the last part, laying her head back down and clutching to his shirt tightly. She needed to feel his skin, so she unfurled her hand from his shirt and slipped it under the soft cotton material. Obito shivered slightly at her touch, thinking over his answer to her confession.

"I'm not going anywhere, Asami." He brushed her hair with his fingers.

"You can't always be there." They both knew the truth in her words.

"I will be, as much as you'll have me."

"I can't." She whispered.

"Is it because of him?" He couldn't help the venom that dripped from him. "I don't know why you want him, he's manipulating you. He doesn't love you, he never will." Love. She wasn't sure what that felt like anymore.

"He's not the one I want." Again, her mouth just seemed to open, words flowing that she didn't really want to say.

"Asami, talk to me."

"I can't." Her answer that he hated to hear.

"Why not?"

"It's not safe." That was more than he'd ever gotten from her before.

"For who?" He pushed, he'd get as much information as he could from her tonight.

"All of us." He sighed, that answer didn't help. "One day, you'll understand." She looked up to him, "I just hope it's not too late."

He could see the heartbreak in her eyes, the pleading for him to understand, and to let it go. "I want you to trust me."

"I do."

"Then talk to me." He urged.

"I can't." She squeezed her eyes closed and shrank into him even more.

"Stop saying that!" He whispered harshly, "You won't tell me, and I don't understand why."

"Because I'm trying to protect you, all of you."

"Dammit, Asami-"

"Why do you care?" She barked. "Why are you here, holding me? Are you trying to test me? For your uncle, or for yourself? A crime family is full of secrets and backstabbing, is that what this is?" Y/n tried to shove herself up and off of him, but Obito held her tightly.

"Don't try and piss me off to push me away." He sighed, this wasn't the time, nor the place. Okay, maybe it was the place, it was safe, but it still wasn't right. "You were poisoned, Asami." These words made her look up to him again. "Arsenic. I was so worried, but Tsunade said that between the fluids, the meds, and you clearing the contents of your stomach, you should be fine."

"Oh." Was all she could say.

"Why did you talk to Kakashi about the ring?" He might as well either piss her off completely or try and get some answers from her.

"I don't need it." She said bitterly. "I'll never know love like that again, so why be reminded of it."

"Who says you'll never know love like that again? And aside from that, it was a love that didn't work, so do you want love like that again?" He didn't know why he said it, but it was how he felt. His own mouth was moving before he could prepare a response in his mind, it must be the lack of sleep. 

"I don't deserve love with the things I've done." Or I'm doing.

"You don't know how wrong you are." His voice was quiet, sleep creeping up on him again suddenly.

"Bito, why are you here?" She wanted answers just as much as him. She wanted to hear him say that he felt the same way that she did, but she couldn't say it, and she definitely couldn't say it first.

"Because I want to be."

She ran her hand over his chest, caressing tenderly as she listened to his heartbeat slow. "I want you here too." It was the closest they would get right now.

They both knew how they felt. They both felt in their heart that the other was holding in the same secret, otherwise, why were they always finding each other like this? What was the other night? They could blame it on drunken emotions, but they knew better. He was jealous and wanted to show her his feelings and nothing more.

So they slept, she tucked away, lovingly, in his side and his arm around her. Her hand resting over his heart and his hand in her hair. Before sleep finally took over, he kissed her head softly and murmured words he hoped to one day say aloud to her. She was dreaming by the time he said the words, and in her dream, she heard them as clear as the morning sky would be. She slept with a smile after she heard the words from his lips, the dream a soft and tender caress for her mind, something she would hold onto and hope would become reality one day. Those words made both of them weep on the inside, and smile broadly on the outside.

I love you, Asami.

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