I had a few options for clothes this morning but opted for the skinny jeans with black ankle boots and the maroon sweater that stopped just above the waist of my pants. I laid the clothes out and dressed in my undergarments before padding into the bathroom. I sat at the vanity, my makeup bags continents on the counter. As I stood in front of the mirror, I willed myself to not look away, nor cry.
The cut on my cheek, the cut on my neck, the bruise that would only get worse that joined it. My left arm held a suspicious-looking bruise on the upper part, compliments of Madara. My wrists were red, but no bruising was present yet. My hips had small red indentations, from fingernails. I turned and looked at my back, the thing exposed the welp from the belt that met my ass. As I turned back around, I looked at my knees, what looked like road rashes covered them both and they were sore as hell too.
"Fuck it," I mumbled.
I brushed my hair and tossed it into a high ponytail. I decided on no makeup, there was no hiding the disastrous events from last night, so oh well. I dressed quickly and began packing my things away. I'd suffer through this brunch and then go pick Rogue from Hana, Kiba's sister, who had her own veterinary practice and boarding facility. After that- I'd face those I needed to.
A knock followed by, "Ms. Uzumaki, I'm here to escort you."
I grabbed my phone, just now realizing that I didn't have my work phone, only my personal phone, and opened the door. "Can you see that my things get taken to my car?"
"Are you leaving us?" Koshi asked.
"I have meetings I need to take care of today."
"Yes, ma'am." Koshi turned, "This way."
I paid more attention to the turns he made, memorizing the path he took. We were on the second floor, in the east wing to start with. There was a north wing and west wing, the mansion faced south, so there was no wing in that direction. If I remembered correctly, Itachi's room was in the west wing, so I'd guess that the rest of the family's rooms were that way. The north wing was likely Madara's, all to himself.
Down the stairs and towards impending doom, that's how I felt at least. What possible torment was waiting for me in the dining room this morning? Yesterday was bad enough, I didn't want to even think about what was going to happen today. Koshi pushed the door open and I followed him in. He leads me to the right of Madara's seat and pulled the chair out, allowing me to sit.
"Thank you, Koshi." Madara's voice was tired.
"Of course, sir." Kōshi faced me and added, "I'll gather your things now, ma'am."
"Thank you." He gave a short bow and exited the room.
I looked around the room noticed that Obito and Rin were missing, along with Shisui. Otherwise, the rest of the family was with us this morning. Izumi and Sakura were avoiding looking at me like the plague, but their male counterparts were eyeing me curiously.
"You're leaving us?" Mikoto last soft voice asked.
"I need to get Rogue, my dog. I also need to visit my family, they're worried about me."
"With good reason, last night was quite a scare." Mikoto sounded so concerned.
A warm hand turned my face as it gripped my chin, Madara scanning my face and inspecting my neck. He opened his mouth to speak but the sound of the door opening made him close it. My eyes flickered up, seeing who entered behind Madara, and bile seared my throat as I saw Obito's eyes rage as he saw me, Madara's hand on my chin.
Madara released my face before saying, "Nice of you three to join us."
Two, there were only two... "Rin needed to leave for work, so we walked her out to her car," Shisui answered for his cousin.

The Uchiha Corp (Modern Naruto: Various x Reader)
FanfictionI was away at college/university for almost 7 years before returning to Konohagakure. I moved back in with my brother and got a part time job to start saving money. I had plans for a future. A career. A place to call my own. A car. A husband. A fami...