Black Widow

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Obito POV:

December 30th, two days until the damned engagement announcement would hit the papers. Madara had opted to push the date due to the Hyuga's hosting a party this year. I should be thankful I get one more day of freedom if that's what you could call it, but I was fucking over this.

I've been drunk almost every day since Christmas, maybe it was before that? I couldn't even remember. I do remember I haven't seen Y/n since Christmas and my chest hurt. I wanted to shoot myself the second I saw the hurt in her eyes at my words. I was trying to be strong for us both, I was trying to make her hate me, rather than her hating herself.

Whatever her intentions, or her reason, or even whatever Madara was holding against her, she was seeing this relationship through. Madara was making me marry Rin for whatever damned reason, and I wanted to shoot that bitch too. She's been acting weird for a couple of months now. One minute she won't keep her hands off of me and the next she treats me like I have the plague. I guess I treat her just the same though, trying to play nice as Madara wants.

My mind is scattered and frazzled, I can't keep my thoughts straight at all. Y/n plagues them day and night and the words I said circle my mind like water in a drain that won't ever be empty. If things ever do go the way I wish, will she forgive me? Do I want her forgiveness? I definitely don't deserve it.

Then my mind drifts to her and Madara and I become angry and brash and hate myself all over again. Then the thought of Izuna- I stop myself short on that one. Madara was kinder with women, we all knew that. Izuna has a reputation in the family for being a giant prick to women. He roughs them up and then sends them home with cash as hush money.

I suspected Izuna was behind Naruto's shooting, but I didn't dare ask. I also didn't know if Madara was involved or if it was only Izuna who planned it. Who did he hire? I couldn't imagine him asking one of the guys to do it, let alone them agreeing to it. Could they say no though? Things were escalating quickly and I felt like I was in quicksand, the more I struggled, the deeper I sank.

There was a meeting tonight and I hoped I'd see Y/n there, part of me did anyway. I've been listening to more and more music, ever since I heard her sing that night. I know she hasn't been performing as much, I think she's only done it three times total, maybe only twice. Madara likes to keep her to himself these days, who wouldn't though?

I'm not much for love songs usually but Shisui was driving the other day and this song came on. It doesn't really fit the situation but I couldn't help but think for Y/n when I heard it. I know if she could change things, she would, but when she entered a room, my eyes found her immediately. When she looked at me, my body felt alive and my heart longed for her to be near. I could still feel the way her body felt pressed against mine and her lips brushing over mine.


I'll never know mercy in this fucked up worked we live in. I may never get to experience love again. I may never get to experience Y/n again. This was a damned hell hole and I was fighting for myself and her, and her daughter. As long as Kikyo was safe, Y/n would do anything, and I think that fact terrified me.

The next song that struck me was one that made more sense. I actually wanted to hear her sing it, she sang other songs by them actually. Two past lovers talking on the phone and hiding the truth from their current ones, that definitely hit home.

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