Obito knocked on Madara's office door and we waited for him to open it since it was locked. I held my phone in my hands nervously, I wasn't sure what to expect. The night before was a blur after I called Obito and I can't remember if Madara had been injured or not. Then there was just the fact that I didn't know what I could say or even what I should say. The sound of the lock turning had me snapping my head up and found the man I didn't want to see exiting the office.
Izuna stood with his hands in his pockets as he was in the doorway, eyes analyzing me. He cut his eyes to Obito for a moment before he looked over his shoulder to his brother that approached slowly. Izuna has a busted lip and a black eye, a small abrasion above his right eyebrow. Once Madara stopped behind Izuna, I could see Izuna was worse off, but Madara still had a bruised cheek.
"Seems your lapdog has returned," Izuna hummed cheerfully. "And her stray following her like always."
Obito shifted to stand in front of me and I fought the urge to shrink behind him. Madara scowled at his brother's words but he didn't correct them.
"You seem to compare me to a dog quite often," I stood tall because I wouldn't let him see me break, that was his intention after all.
"As I said before," Izuna kept an indifferent stance and expression, "like a bitch in heat, that's what you are. It's no wonder the little welp follows you."
"And yet you can't seem to keep your hands off of me either," I growled.
"Y/n," I looked to Madara and saw a frown on his face, "why don't you come in."
Obito was like a wall but I finally managed to get him to move. Izuna also planted his feet and when I went to pass he gripped my shoulder with his hand and squeezed making me wince. When Madara placed his hand over his brother's my shoulder was released. I made it inside to his couch and watched as a silent standoff took place in the doorway.
"I'd like a few minutes alone with Y/n," Madara addresses his brother and nephew.
"I'll be in my office," Obito looked to me and I nodded, there wasn't much else to do. He didn't even address his uncles as he turned on his heel and left.
"You can't protect her forever," Izuna's tone was playful but I could hear the threat. "Just like last night." With that, he walked away.
Though I saw the door close I still jumped when Madara slammed it. Madara stood still for a moment, hand braced on the door before he reached to lock it. I slowly sat my phone down on the table and made my way to Madara, I had to play my cards right, so I had to do this. I approached cautiously, he was tense and on edge, his back taught and arms rippled as he flexed beneath his shirt. When I placed my hands on his back he flinched under my touch but I continued to wrap my arms around his waist and pressed my chest and cheek to his back.
"Are you alright?" His voice was low but I knew he was fighting back many emotions.
"I'm fine," I whispered.
Madara moved and I loosened my hold so he could turn around. Once he faced me he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. His arms around my shoulders and mine bent to lay on his back, he buried his face into my hair.
"I owe you an explanation," it was muffled by my hair but I swear I could hear his voice crack.
"You owe me nothing," I cooed as I rubbed his back tenderly. "We should discuss some things that were said, but not here."
Madara pulled away and looked down at me, "This is the safest place to talk," his brows were scrunched in confusion.
"Your brother has been watching me, us even, I want to make sure he doesn't do it again," Madara's brows creased even further as he practically snarled at my words. "Are there cameras in here?" Kill two birds with one stone.

The Uchiha Corp (Modern Naruto: Various x Reader)
FanfictionI was away at college/university for almost 7 years before returning to Konohagakure. I moved back in with my brother and got a part time job to start saving money. I had plans for a future. A career. A place to call my own. A car. A husband. A fami...