Tender Moments

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I gasped as I bolted upright in bed, the sheet falling down my naked flesh. Sweat slicked my forehead and I winced when the adrenaline ran its course. Obito sat up quickly and I turned my head when I heard him call to me but I couldn't quite hear him, as if my mind was still stuck in the nightmare. After a few seconds of blinking and focusing, I finally heard him.

"You're okay," he soothed as he brought me into his chest. His touch hurt but I fought the pain away as to not make him pull away from me.

I relaxed into him as he pulled me back to the bed with him, "What time is it?" I rasped, my throat still sore but my voice was louder.

"Noon," he murmured as he caressed my back since I was laying halfway on him now.

"And no one has come for me?" I put my chin on his chest to gaze at him.

"Madara called me earlier this morning and I told him you were sleeping," Obito caught my gaze, "Sakura stopped by but decided to let you sleep."

My shoulder ached as I reached to brush my fingers against the stubble that adorned his jaw, "You can go." I didn't want him to though.

"I'm on strict orders to spend the day with you," there was a minor trace of amusement in his voice.

"I find that hard to believe," I fought the pain away and pushed myself up on my elbow, "Madara told you to lie naked in bed with me?"

"'Keep an eye on her' were his exact words, but the semantics don't matter," Obito was definitely pleased with himself.

"You're ridiculous," I rolled my eyes and moved to get up.

"Where are you going?" Obito sat up.

"I want a bath, and I'm hungry," I stood up and put my hand on the nightstand to stabilize myself.

I shivered though his hands were warm on my skin, running up my sides, "You can't be left alone, you're-"

"Weak, I know," I spat.

"Asami, Izuna is almost twice your size, and I don't know what happened, but your upper body looks like he used you like his personal punching bag." It was all true, but I haven't seen what I look like, I just know how I felt.

"At least put some pants on," my eyes cut down and behind me and I suppressed the urge to bite my lip.

"Underwear?" He arched a brow playfully.

"Idiot," I mumbled as I stepped away, Obito still helping me forward.

Again I was sat on the bench and he drew a bath rather than the shower this time. He did, thankfully, put his underwear back on before he started preparing the water. I still watched his back ripple as he moved, those corded muscles begging to be touched. I tilted my head as I observed him and longed to reach out for him. I wanted to taste those lips again, feel his body pressed to mine just before-

"What is it?" His voice made me slap my thighs together in an attempt to hide the obvious arousal.

"Nothing," I squeaked.

"Enjoying the view?" There was that playful man again.

"You're all starting to look the same," I waved a hand casually, which was caught and I was pulled upward.

"Remind me to scold you later, when you can handle it," I gulped slightly before he turned me to face the mirror and I sucked in a breath.

He was right, my neck was black and blue, my shoulder had fingerprints from where I was held down to the bed and against the wall. My chest was littered with nicks and scratches. My back was bruised as well and a few cuts were stitched closed. My lip was busted and a small bruise was at the corner of my mouth from that vicious backhand.

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