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When Madara felt movement he was jarred awake and found Y/n with her eyes squeezed shut and a hand clutching her head. She was rolling away from him where her head was in his lap and curled into a ball on her side. Tears fell and the pain was excruciating as her head throbbed. Madara's hand was warm and soothing on her back and she noticed she had one of her gown on but nothing more. Y/n tried to find her voice but nothing but cries and whimpers escaped her.

"You're okay, my love," Madara moved off the bed and around to her bedside table," take these." Madara poured two pills out and held the glass of water to her.

She was slow to sit up and he helped her before she took the medicine without question. She coughed for a moment, "What... happened?" She managed to say as he knelt before her.

Y/n took in his appearance and recognized that he was dressed the same as the night before. His pale blue shirt had blood on it and she touched her head and hissed at the wound that was just at her hairline close to her left temple. Madara's expression showed extreme concern and he placed his hands on her thighs as he moved between them. His thumbs made lazy circles on her skin and she shivered slightly. He looked exhausted, as though he had hardly slept as he kept an eye on her.

He sighed heavily, "Izuna-" he wasn't sure how to say it actually, "Did you know he was drugging you?"

She nodded slowly, "He said it was ecstasy," her voice was hoarse and she tried to recall if she had been screaming, "after that, it's all fuzzy."

Madara kept his voice low, barely above a whisper, "I had Shisui switch out his pills, I was hoping he'd take one and pass out." Her expression shifted to one of shock, "He hadn't said a word about trying to drug you- it's my fault this happened." He hugged her waist and placed his head on her lap, "I'm sorry, love, so sorry."

Was he... crying?

Y/n let her fingers run through his hair and she actually found the moment endearing, which was rare. Her hands caressed his back as he fought the demons inside of him that he could've lost her. His arms squeezed her even tighter and she began to hum a soft lullaby to try and ease his pain. Madara pulled away and peered up into her beautiful e/c eyes.

"Is the feed from the cam working?" She asked quietly and Madara couldn't believe that that was what she asked.

His lips formed into a soft smile, "Yes, you did wonderfully. I've asked this time and time again, but will you forgive me?"

She gave a triumphant smile, "You can make it up to me by spending the day in bed with me. And explain how this happened." She pointed to her head and then laid back onto the bed, her head feeling much better.

Madara stood up and caressed her cheek as she looked up to him, "Let me change."

As he moved about the room and bathroom she tried to recall what happened herself but she couldn't remember anything. An image of Izuna passed out on the floor came to mind. Ripping the sheet from the bed. Then after that, it was all a blur. She padded into the bathroom, deciding the peach-like coating on her tongue had to go, the fuzz, not the flavor. Madara found her looking at herself in the mirror and he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck tenderly. Her hands rested on his arms and she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the attention.

"You somehow made it into the hallway," he broke her quiet moment and she opened her eyes to hold his gaze through the mirror, "Obito found you stumbling and he tried to help you," her eyes widened slightly, "he said you were delirious and pulled away from him. When he tried to reach for you, you fell and hit your head on the small table in the hallway."

"Is he okay? I didn't try and hurt him, did I?" She worried her training kicked and that she tried to kick his ass somehow.

Madara shook his head, "He's fine," he continued the story, "we woke Sakura and Sasuke and she assessed your wound. If you didn't wake by morning we were going to call your aunt."

She laughed, "That would've gone over well."

Madara returned her humor, "I wasn't looking forward to it," she relaxed a little more into him, "I placed Izuna in his bed with the sheets in disarray. He hasn't contacted me, so I'm hoping he assumes you had sex and slipped out in the night."

She tilted her head slightly, "Won't he wonder about my head?"

Madara straightened and turned her by the shoulders. His hands at her low back, fingers intertwined he said, "I'll keep you tucked away for a few days, once the bruising has gone down, you should be able to hide it if you keep your hair down."

A playful smirk danced across her lips, "Planning to keep me all to yourself?"

Madara returned the expression, "Until the wedding, yes." Just like that her blood ran cold but she kept the smirk on her face and she pushed to her tippy toes to kiss him. She'd let him kiss the pain away, fuck the pain away.

Madara did just that. They didn't leave his rooms for the entire weekend. Kisame handled the dogs. Koshi delivered all meals to them. The doors were locked and no one entered. Madara advised Y/n to take the medication every six to eight hours and she found she had to, the headaches returning in she went too far past the eight-hour mark.

Monday came and Y/n managed to seduce Madara into staying home. Madara directed Obito to handle the office for the day and his nephew asked if everything is okay. Madara's response? Y/n is in need of my company. Then the line went dead and Obito chucked the phone across the room, scaring the shit out of Shisui.

Obito was trying so hard to think of a way that didn't involve killing Rin for the wedding to be called off, but he just couldn't. Shisui felt awful for Obito, but he couldn't offer any help either, unless he suddenly confessed his undying love for Rin, and that wasn't happening. Itachi had his hands full with his own wedding planning, so he wasn't much help either. Sasuke was dog tired with catering to Sakura, who was a beastly woman during the pregnancy.

Tuesday came and Madara arrived at the office but no one dared speak to the sour-looking man. The Senjus were due to come in and this would be their first encounter since they spent an evening with Y/n. Obito didn't want to sit in on the meeting, but Madara wouldn't have heard his argument so he sucked it up and headed to Madara's office.

Tobirama looked to the door and Obito noticed that he didn't look pleased to see him. Tobirama turned to Madara, "Y/n won't be joining us?"

Madara nearly growled, "She's at home, resting," he replied, "and I'll be making sure you're as far away from her as possible from now on. Seems your sharp tongue rubbed off on her." Found our who's dick was bigger... Madara had never been so amused and worried by such an interaction in his life.

Madara sat at his desk and took the lazy stance of his cheek to his fist. Tobirama and Hashirama sat across from him while Obito moved to stand near the window behind and Madara, back to the men and hands in his pockets. Hashirama watched his brother cautiously as the male seemed to think of what to respond with.

Tobirama shrugged and leaned back in his chair, "She's always had a dirty mouth," he smirked at Madara's scowl.

Hashirama quickly spoke, trying to ease the tension, "I hope she's doing alright, you said she was resting."

Madara sat straight, "Just headaches off, and on the last few days, nothing major." Obito glanced over his shoulder and eyed his uncle curiously, though he couldn't see him.

Focused back on the city below he said, "Kiri is gearing up to make a move." He cut straight to the point.

Hashirama and Tobirama exchanged a look, "What makes you say that?" The tanned male of the two asked.

Madara slid a folder across the desk, "Ry Shimura has been hanging around town for two weeks now. He's been seen at multiple establishments that I own, and even at the restaurant on Friday night during Y/n's performance," the room grew heavy, "it was her last." He added for good measure.

The folder was a collection of photos that Kisame, Sasori, and security cameras had taken. Hashirama handed the folder to Tobirama and fixed his stare on Madara, "What are you wanting to do?"

Obito turned around and faced the brothers across the desk, "We want you to kill Ry Shimura."

A/N: I apologize, I will be offline this week unless otherwise noted. I ask for your understanding and patience.

Thank you,


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