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New Year's Eve and the two family limos drove to the Hyuga Mansion. Madara, Y/n, Izuna, Obito, Rin, and Shisui were in the main limo. Fugaku, Mikoto, Itachi, Izumi, Sasuke, and Sakura in the second limo. Both limos were a traditional, sleek black color but the family crest was on the side, as well as embroidered into the seats of the interior. It was also etched into the glasses and decanter of whiskey.

Madara's eyes were out his window as he sat with his arms taking up the entire backbench, his fiancé beside him. They never made a formal announcement, and they won't for quite some time, but she still wore the ring. Y/n's own eyes were focused out the same window, though she wanted to fix her e/c eyes elsewhere. Christmas was enough of a shit show, she could only imagine what tonight would hold.

It was a late party, so the family had an early dinner at five in the formal dining room. Where Rin decided to call out Y/n for the ring on her dainty finger. Obito had told her to hush and that she would get one when she deserved one. This caused a collection of responses: two giggles, a few snorts, and one raving bitch. Izumi followed Rin out of the room and you could hear Rin fake sobbing while the rest of the family ate in silence. The truth was: Madara hoped it would keep Izuna at bay, at he told Y/n just that

The black, sheer, chiffon dress was like a second set of skin on Y/n. It shimmered in the light as it seemed to have a midnight sky painted onto it with diamonds and glitter. Backless, of course, and the signature slit up one leg, the right this time. Sleeveless and scoop neck, also just how Madara liked to see her. An updo for the evening, encrusted with black and white diamonds and pinned off to the left.

Her jewelry consisted of her tennis bracelet, her simple diamond, waterfall earrings, and her engagement ring. Her small clutch in handheld nothing more than her phone and she was weaponless beneath her gown. Madara made sure she knew his gun was placed at his back for the evening and she even brushed against Obito to make sure the same was true for him.

The Hyuga's had invited everyone and Y/n was dreading it. The Senju brothers. Her aunt would attend, her uncle still on assignment. Most of the precinct, the ones who could manage to take off of work. She wasn't sure if Kakashi would be there and part of her hoped he wouldn't be. She closed her eyes and tried to relax into the warmth of the man next to her but she was finding it difficult this evening.

Madara felt her shift next to him and he moved his arm to rub her exposed shoulder. Her shawl lay in her lap and she gripped it tightly. He pulled her closer and she let her head rest against his chest. His heart was steady and his body warm, she finally seeped into the lie and let herself relax into him. Madara let a sigh go and she felt him relax as well.

The limos came to a stop and the family exited them. Madara's hand was warm on Y/n's and she moved to slip her arm into his. Her left hand sat in the crook of his elbow and she wasn't sure if the ring would be hidden this way, or more visible. The couples paired off and Shisui frowned at the sight while Izuna scowled at everything and everyone.

Madara held Y/n back and let everyone enter the room first, he had planned this entrance. They were the last to arrive at the Hyuga's mansion and they would be the last to enter the room. Once he saw everyone enter he placed a hand over hers and they followed the family in. All eyes were on the infamous Uchiha family and the patriarch with his trophy beside him. He had won, and he'd make sure everyone saw.

Hiashi approached the Uchiha's and greeted them all with a smile. He reached Madara and they exchanged a handshake before Y/n broke away to hug the man. "I want to thank you for accepting Naruto into your family with open arms." She said as she stepped back.

Hiashi smiled, "He's a good man," he looked over his shoulder and saw Naruto and Hinata with Neji and TenTen, "kind heart," he looked at Y/n, "much like his sister."

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