Chapter 18

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*Ravi's POV*

I was about to get off the stage when I caught the girl who just rolled her eyes on me a while ago went to the restroom. Since her friend made a little scene while I'm on stage, I can't seem to take away my eyes from her. There's something in her that makes me wanna know her. I heard her friend told me that she doesn't like me because I have an attitude. Attitude? Does she even know me? That pissed me off but I didn't let that distract me so I just continued singing.

People are starting to get a little wild in the club now. I sat on the bar and ordered myself a drink. I'm waiting for her to come outside the restroom. I took a sip from my glass when I saw her coming out of the hallway from the restroom when a drunk asshole intentionally bumped into her. She held her head, I think she's drunk already. Damn. Why does girls love to drink so much when they can't even handle themselves? I shook my head and observed them. I could hear them from here.

"Hey.. sorry I didn't see you." Ibheard her apologized to that maniac. Tsk. You don't have to say sorry, its his fault not yours. My brows automatically creased when I sawbtye man placed his hand on her waist and squeeze it. This fucking asshole.

"Hey! I said sorry! Not to touch me!" She shouted. Wow. She's quite fiesty huh

"Wanna come with me inside?"The maniac asshole said to her and without a warning he pulled her towards the door. I can't stand seeing this anymore so I stood up from the bar stool I'm sitting on and went near them

"Let go of me! I don't even know you! Asshole!" She kept shouting as I walk towards them. She's struggling to get away from the maniac's hold. Damn he's too big for her to fight off I waited for the maniac to do something bad so I could punch him on the face.

"I said let go of me! You filthy drunk asshole!" She shouted at him again and his face turns red. I think she just pissed off the maniac. I saw him raise his hand. I know he's going to slap her. This fucking coward. I swiftly took a step and get a hold of the maniac's arm and looked at him straight in the eye. Trying to make him realize who the fuck am I. He blinked a few times before finally realizing who's holding him. She kust kept her head down with her eyes closed.

"Don't you hear her? She says let go of her." I told the maniac with a firm voice enough for him to hear me. I saw him swallow hard. This fucking maniac smells like shit.

"R-Ravi??" I heard her speak. I didn't notice that she's already looking at me. Well, hello there miss. I didn't say a thing. I just stared at her for a second and look back at the maniac.

"Why are you still here? Go. Or do you want me to break that ugly face of yours?" I warned the maniac and then he ran away. My eyes followed him until I can no longer see him. Good boy.

"T-thanks." She muttered. And I look at her again. Damn. She's too short. What is she? 5 flat? 4'? Oh fuck it. Never mind. That's not your concern anymore Ravi. I mentally scolded myself and tilted my head to the side

"Do I have to say, 'you're welcome'?" I decided to act like a jerk since she says that I have an 'attitude'. Damn Ravi. Are you really going to play games with her? Why not though? She started it. I smirked. I saw her left eyebrow arched. Seems like she's the one who got this attitude she's talking about. I watch her took a heavy sigh before talking.

"You know what? I just said thank you just to be polite. But it seems like you don't deserve it at all. Ravi." Did she just snap at me? Who fucking dares to snap at Ravi? This girl is crazy. She keeps on staring at me with her dark big orbs. Its fucking intoxicating. Get a hold of yourself Ravi. Remember, this girl doesn't like you.

"Oh. So what then? As if I'm going to care if you didn't say thanks." I rolled my eyes on her. I'm enjoying this one. She's interesting.

"See? You're already giving THAT ATTITUDE OF YOURS. If I can only ban you from going to Philippines I should have done it already so you can no longer visit you favorite diving place." She snapped back. She even crossed her arms on her chest. Wow. Oh shit. Did she just said Philippines? So she's from there? She's a fucking Filipina? Just look how great this is. It only made me more curious about her.

"But you can't. So I can still go visit Cebu with my squad." I retorted. She froze and her reaction softened. What? Why? Did I say something so offensive? She blinked twice and held her forehead.

"Then go. Cebu isn't where I came from after all. My place is even better than Cebu." She lashed out on me pointing on my chest then walks away. I was left dumbfounded. What did just happen? I stood there and look for her in the crowd. I saw her flop down on the couch. I think her friends are already drunk. I went back to the bar counter and just watched her with her friends. This night is going to be long. I'll get back at her. Specially now that I know she's a Filipina.


*Angel's POV*

That jerk. I just proved how douchebag he is. And why does he hve to mention his fucking padding squad?! He just reminded of Kai which automatically connects with Sehun. Damn. Its been a long time since I last mentioned his name.

"Liz! Where's Kelsey and Molly?!" I shouted at her because she's sitting from the other side of the arched couch.

"Who knows? Probably hooking up with some random guy? Or maybe they already left like the usual." She says in a slur. Damn she's drunk too.

"I guess I should call your boyfriend to come and oick you up. Give me your phone." I moved next to her and look for her phone. I dialled her boyfriend's number. Good thing he picked up in just 3 rings.

"Austin, your girlfriend is already drunk. And I can't find Kelsey and Molly. Will you please pick her up now? I don't have a car to drop her off at her house." I said to her boyfriend shouting so he can hear me clearly.

"I know this is going to happen. I just waited for a call. I'll be there in 15mins please stay with her." Her boyfriend says. Cliché. As if its going to last. Fuck. I sound so bitter. Maybe its just the alcohol.

Few minutes have passed and finally, Liz's boyfriend came to pick her up. Now I'm all alone. But I don't want to go home yet. I suddenly felt sad but I don't know why. So just sat down on the couch and laid my head on the back rest. I was trying to nap when I felt someone sat beside me. I startled.

"Who are y-" I didn't finish what I'm about to say when I get to see who it was. Fucking Ravi. Why is he still here?! I moved a little and saw him smirk before chugging down whatever he's drinking.

"Scares?" He teases me. I didn't look at him.

"Why would I be?"

"You just moved away."

"Because I don't wanna be near you."


"Because I don't like you."

"Why?" Fuck. He's so annoying!

"How many why's do you have, Ravi?! You're making my blood boil!" I snapped and looked at him.

"I have lots. Want more?" Aaargh! Is he playing games with me now? Right. This all Kelsey's fault. And now she's nowhere to be found. I'll make her pay for making a scene and for leaving me here alone.

"Save it. I don't want it." Ibheard him laugh. He even had the guts to laugh at me?!

"I don't think so." He moves leaving no space between us. I stay calm to be firm. I can't lose his game. So I turn to face him. Now we're looking eye to eye.

"What do you want from me, Ravi?" I said seductively. Leaning more closer to his face. I can smell his breathe, it tastes like rum. Fuck. Smell rather.

"I actually don't have any idea. But let's start with why you don't like me." We keep on staring at each other as if we're on a competition. My eye looked down on his lips. Damn his lips are so fine. It reminds me of Sehun. Fuck. I miss Sehun's lips so bad. Oh no. This is not good. Angel, don't let the alcohol control you. Stop.

"Why? You can't believe that I don't like you?" I smirked still not moving away. I stared at his face. From his hair down to his lips.. then his chin. His fucking chin. It looks like Sehun's. Damn. Why does it have to be like Sehun's chin. Everything I see now is Sehun.

And with that, I let the alcohol took over me again.

"You know what, forget it." Then I kissed him. And it caught him offguard. I saw his eyes widen at first then he shut it and kissed me back. This is what alcohol makes you do, Angel.

I miss him.. I miss him so much. I miss you, Sehun..
And I still do love you..

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