Chapter 31

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*Sehun's POV*

"Yaaah! Yaaah! Sehunaaah! Sehuuun! Where are you?!"

Heavy shuffling came from the outside as I heard Chanyeol hyung calls me in a panic tone. I am currently doing my home work out since I don't feel like going to the gym. I have been quite isolating myself again after what happened between Mina and I. It is indeed a huge drunken mistake of mine and I feel deeply sorry for her. I hate myself for sucking with everything that I plan to do to make things right.

I swiped the sweat on my forehead from working out against my arm and shook my head to drop the thought of that night and unstrap the gloves I am wearing to protect my knuckles waiting for Chanyeol hyung to come and find me inside our mini gym at home. I didn't bother to turn around to face him since I can see him from the full body mirror.

"What is it now hyung?"

I said taking off my gloves and bandage that I wrapped on my hands for protection.

"She's coming back."

He firmly said and I froze from my tracks. I slowly looked at him on the mirror with my eyes wide in shock. I heard him right, right? Who else is coming back here in Seoul that matters to ke the most? Of course, no other than the woman I loved the most. Angel.

He was raising his arm that held his phone waiting for me to grab it from him. I tilted my head before striding my way to him and slowly took the phone from his hand. I took a glance at him first, I can worry from his face. I bit my lower lip before finally deciding to check what is he showing me this time. The gym went silent and I can clearly hear Chanyeol hyung panting from running.

I felt a lump form in my throat when I saw their photo taken by a fan from the airport. But what has really gotten my attention is the caption. Apparently this fan is an EXO-L, it's obvious because ger icon is Baekhyun hyung's face.

"Look who we bumped into at the airport. Ravi with his nonshowbiz girlfriend. Wanna know what's more fishy about it? She's the same girl that was linked to our maknae Sehun years ago. I wonder who's she's going to target next? I hope she doesn't make another mistake flirting with EXO. Gurl you don't wanna mess with us."

This is one of the things I hate with our fans, they are being so possesive over us. Don't get me wrong, I love them. We all do. It's just that they tend to be suffocating when we are having a situation like this. Have they forgotten that we are humans too? We have feelings, we also have emotions and we have been longing for someone that could make us feel the  love that we deserve. I've seen Kai and Baekhyun hyung failed the love of their life because of the fans. I witnessed how hard it is for them to deal with. To choose between your dreak and the woman that you love. Never had I thought that I'd be on the same situation but luckily mine didn't really blow the same as theirs.

I looked at the photo again. Ravi was caressing her face, as if he's making sure she's okay and she's looking at him as if he's making her so secure with his gestures. I felt my heart crumpled a bit.

I suddenly remembered that I sent her a DM and it has been roughly two weeks since I sent her that. But still, she hasn't replied. I know she was able to read it because there's a sign shows that she has seen it.

Finally, I was able to let the air that's been on my lungs for I don't know how long and gave Chanyeol hyung his phone back. I sat on the chair and leaned my head on the wall behind it. He just stared at me. Things have been running wild on my mind right now. She's finally coming back, but what should I do? I can't think straight so I pulled my hair out of frustration grunting a bit loud enough to fill the gym.

"Sehun. Get a hold of yourself. You can't be acting like an impulsive kid again this time. You already missed a lot of chances for two long years. And things have changed a lot. She even got a boyfriend. Are you sure you're still going to push everything according to what you have planned?"

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