Chapter 39

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*Angel's POV*

Waking up from having a good night sleep, I opened my eyes feeling the side of the bed where Ravi slept empty.

He probably left already and just decided not to wake me up.

I sat up and brushed my hair to fix it, when things that happened last night resurfaces in my mind. I grunted out of frustration, feeling so guilty and sorry for Ravi again.

Don't get me wrong, I love him, there's nothing that is not to love with him and I really wanted to do it with him. It's just that.. uuugh I really don't know why I had to be reminded of Sehun?!

I smacked the pillow beside me from being so irritated and went out of the bed to go to Ravi's kitchen and make myself a coffee.

I was about to get a mug from the cabinet when My eye caught a piece of paper stucked under the Groovl1n logo magnet on the ref. Out of curiousity, I reached for it and opened it. It was folded in two with a note printed on it.

"Good morning babe,
I know you're probably awake now, ofcourse, you're reading this already haha 😝Anyways, I already left and did not bother to wake you up because I heard how good your sleep is, your cute little snores told me so 😉 there's food in the fridge and cabinet just cook whatever you wanna eat and I already brewed a coffee for you, just reheat it. I'll be busy today, don't think of me that much so I could work peacefully. And yeah, I hope your plans for today will go smoothly. I love you, see you tomorrow. I miss you already. Be safe. 😘♥️
-Ravi xoxo"

A smile crept into my face as I finished reading his sweet little note.

Who knows Ravi could be this sweet? Even I still couldn't believe how he gets so romantic in every single way he does for me. Which actually made me regret for hating him before.

Well, as the saying goes, "Do not judge the book by it's cover"

I went to look for my bag and placed the note inside my wallet. I love keeping this kind of things. It may be little but it means so much, it really warms my heart.

After having a light breakfast, I took a shower. And now I just finished ironing my dress and picked up my phone taking few deep breathes before going into my instagram to send Sehun a message.


*Sehun's POV*

I was drinking water when I heard my phone buzzed. So I put down my tumbler on the chair and take off the gloves I am currently wearing, yes I'm working out.

Opening my phone up, I unvoluntarily swallowed hard when I saw who sent me a message.


Shaking my head off, trying to calm myself. I clicked the notification and read her message.

"Hi. If you don't have any schedule today, let's meet at 5pm today at the Italian restaurant where we met after the incident from the coffeeshop."

I flicked my forehead twice to see if I'm really awake. And yes I am, and I read her message right. Damn. After two long years of not seeing her, I'm finally going to see her..

My hands suddenly got a little uncontrollable making it hard for me to compose a text to answer her.


I shouted a bit loud which echoed inside our gym.

"Yaaah! Sehunaah why are you shouting? The others are still asleep."

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