Chapter 35

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*Kai's POV*

I was calling Wonshik hundred of times now but I think his phone isn't turned on. So I tried to contact his manager instead, Daetuck.

Thank God the man answered on the first ring.

"Hello? Sorry to bother you but I can't contact Wonshik. I have been calling him for the past 15 minutes but I think his phone is off. Do you possibly know where is he right now?"

I did not waste any time. I really need to talk to him. That dumb did not even tell me he's coming back to Seoul. If I haven't seen the tweets, I wouldn't probably know that he's finally back in Seoul.

With Angel, ofcourse.

I cannot help not to worry because it is Sehun that is involved and we are all worried about him. Even if we can't see that he's bothered by the news, we all know he's up to something. And it's even more agonizing onmy part because my best friend happened to be his rival and I am so caught in between the two. It feels like a silent war is about to explode.

We don't know what Sehun might have plan in his mind right now that Angel is back in Seoul. We all know that he still isn't over with her and we only want everything to be safe and settled.

Sehun can be so impulsive at times, and that is exactly what we are worrying about now. The exact reason why Xiumin and Junmyeon hyung talked to me right after we knew about Ravi and Angel coming back and that is why I am such in a hurry to see Wonshik.

"Umm. He's already in Seoul but he's not yet at work, probably still asleep. Rest assured he'll be coming to work since we're working out on Coldbay's single release."

Damn. I called the right person. I let out a deep sigh before answering him back.

"Oh right. He mentioned that to me the last time we talked. I guess I'll just drop by at Groovl1n and wait for him there. Please let him know that I called and that I urgently needed to talk to him."

"Alright. I'll tell him once he's here."

"Thanks! Bye!"

I ended the call and hurriedly grabbed my car keys.

"Hey! Where are you going?! Are you going to buy some chicken?!"

I heard Chen hyung calls me out from the living room.

"Nope! And I won't be back until evening."

I answered shuffling my way to the car.

I can't help but be nervous. A lot of things have been running on my mind now. Why does this even have to happen? VIXX and EXO are practically friends, well some of us are really close but not Sehun and Ravi. They are more like acquaintances and not really friend-friends.

I should stop anything from happening. This will be the fourth time that EXO will be dragged on some dating issues and I can't let that happen again. So I'm going to do all my might to stop it from happening.

I can't let Sehun suffer what I have suffered before. I know I have reminded him a lot times about the risks and even setting myself as an example but that doesn't seem to work for him. Our youngest could be really stubborn if he wants to.

I am now driving my way to Groovl1n. Hoping that when I get there, he's finally there too.

I took a glance at the screen monitor on the dashboard to see what time it is because I forgot to wear any watch out of hurrying and it says its already 1:15 in the afternoon. I wonder what causes the traffic at this hour, it's not even a rush hour.

I patiently wait for the stoplight to go green as I nervously tap my fingers on the steering wheel. I even hummed to our songs that is quietly playing to soothe myself down.

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