Chapter 41

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*3rd Person's POV*

A week have already passed by so quickly. Angel is now having her morning cup of coffee sitting on the edge of her mattress smiling as she stared blankly outside. She has finally moved to her apartment three days after having closure with Sehun.

The sky is clear with a bunch of clouds, a perfect day to go to park and have some time with mother nature. She suddenly wondered if Ravi is still busy, reaching for her phone on the side table to give him call.

Having another sip of coffee, making her call on it's fourth ring her boyfriend finally picks up and answered her with his deep raspy voice giving her a hint that she woke him up.

"Morning baby.." he said on the line smiling trying to make his voice more clearer.

"Morning too babe. Sorry for waking you up even though I know that you stayed up late.." she said feeling slightly guilty because she know that he stayed up late last night because of work.

"Hey.. don't be sorry. It's fine. But why did you call so early? Are you okay? Is everything fine?" His voice became worried as he sits up from laying down on the floor with his thick comforter. He slept at his studio.

"No. Nothing. I'm just.. I was just thinking if you still have a lot of work today? I umm.. I was having coffee when I saw how perfect the weather is and thought about how nice it would be to go out and have some picnic at the park.. if it's fi-" she wasn't able to finish what she's about to say because Ravi cut her off.

"Baby, I really wanted to be with you. But I'm afraid I can't today. Ken hyung is going to release his album soon and I need to patch everything up with the song I made for him. But I promise I'll make it up to you.. maybe if I happen to finish early, I'd take you out on a dinner instead. Will that be fine with you?"

Ravi says, his voice a little sad and puts his other hand on his forehead for support while massaging the sides his head. As much as he wanted to spend some time with Angel, he really can't because he still needs to work.

She faked a smile as if he can see her. She's disappointed but she understands how workaholic Ravi is. To the point that she ended up joking to Ravi if she should start getting jealous about his work the other day. They only spent time together during the weekend when Ravi came back from his shoot and then he became busy the following days.

"Ahhh yeah right. Sorry I forgot about it.. let's just go out on a picnic some other time then. When you're no longer busy.."

She sighed. Making him feel so in between. He became so busy when he came back from New York with Angel. What can he do, he's not just the CEO of his own company. And he hopes the she don't take it personally. He wanted to be the best boyfriend for Angel but being a starting CEO in the industry makes it so hard for him to fulfill both duties at the same time. Specially now that Groovl1n is almost close to its first annivesary.

"I'm really sorry babe.. you know how important this is for me right? I hope you understand.. and I swear I will make it up to you once I'm done with work, okay? I'll go get washed up now so I can start working already so I could finish early. I'll give you a call later, okay? I love you babe."

As much as she wanted to complain about not having enough time together, she chose not to. She's not some highschool student to act so immature anymore. Besides, it's not like he's declining to spend a day with her over petty things. It's work.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry. I understand you babe. I love you. Don't forget to grab some breakfast before working." She told him switching his mood up making him smile as he stands up.

"Alright babe. You too. Have a great day. I'll see you when I can. Love you.." With that he ended the call.


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