The Girl Is Dead

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LIVING ROOMEdward stands at the bottom of the stairs, heading the strange girl bang something against the wall

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Edward stands at the bottom of the stairs, heading the strange girl bang something against the wall. This is followed by a series of curse words. All of this continues for a few seconds, before it stops out of nowhere.

Silence carries throughout the house as Edward quietly makes his wife up the stairs and into the hallway. He noticed how Jane's bedroom door is open. His head peeks into her room, careful to be quiet. That's when he notices Jane knocked out on the ground.

"Jane," he exclaims, running into the room. He kneels behind her and shakes her shoulders. With wide eyes, he picks up his phone and dials his sister's number. "I'm coming," she says before he says anything.

Edward places his hands over her chest, focusing on her heartbeat. It stands still. It's almost as if she's dead. Grabbing his phone again, he dials Bella's phone number and explains to her what happened.

"Yes. Tell him my father will help her. We can't let anyone see her like this. Bella, I think she's no longer. I sense no heartbeat, nor a breathing pattern," he tells her, worried. With that he hangs up the call and senses Alice and Emmett's presence behind him.

"Hey, we should to take her back home. Carlisle needs to tend to her as soon as possible," Alice suggests, looking at the girl. "What did you see, Alice," Edward asks as he rises to his feet.

The petite girl looks up at her brother, shaking her head. "I just saw her here, hitting her head. Then, she falls to the ground. Edward, I can't see anything else," Alice replies, worried for her.

"Is she," Emmett asks, dragging out his sentence. Jane's room grows quiet. "I'm not sure," Alice replies after a moment of absolute silence.

With a small nod, Edward walks outside and gets into his silver car. He zooms past the woods, occasionally hitting a few trees with his car.

Once he reaches his house, he notices Alice and Emmett. His brother carries an unconscious Jane as they step into the mansion. Their adoptive parents await for their arrival.

Immediately, Esme rushes up to the girl. "What happened to her? Alice told us about her vision," she asks, staring at the girl in Emmett's arms.

Carlisle moves, after his wife, and gently removes Jane from Emmett's arms. "I'll go tend to the wounds on her head. I can't hear a heartbeat," he says, rushing into his medical room.

Gently, he places her onto the leather bed and grabs his medical gear. He starts working on the girl who's heart seems to have just given up on her.

Meanwhile downstairs, Edward explain Jane's situation. The room grows quiet as he finishes his explanation. "So, wait. There's a loon running around Forks with teleportation powers? Not only that, but Bella's dad saw all of this, and didn't seem fazed by it," Emmett asks, making sure he heard it correct.

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